
The grammar and pragmatics of interrogatives and their (special) uses



Akaka Maptask Corpus


The Akaka Maptask Corpus contains dialogues recorded in the course of pairs of speakers performing a collaborative game. The game is a type of map task: one of the participants receives a map of a cave system, the other one a map of the surface of the earth above the caves. The task of the former participant is to find her way out of the cave, with the help of the other participant. The corpus currently consists of 30 dialogues of about 10 hours, recorded with separate head-mounted microphones and separate channels for each speaker, in 2019. Half of the dialogues were produced by speakers of the Transsylvanian dialect of Hungarian, and the other half by speakers from Budapest. The sound files are available as uncompressed wav files.  


Concept, design and recordings: Cecília Sarolta Molnár

Graphic design: Eszter Wolf

Phonetic support: Katalin Mády

Principal investigator: Beáta Gyuris