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Events in May


Date & Time Venue Speaker Title Organized by
6. May, 11.00 auditorium, ground-floor Fejes László (NyTI) Az északi manysi vokalizmus néhány kérdése Department of Finno-Ugric
6. May, 11.00 room 7. Molnár Cecília Az ige előtti pozíció szintaktikai és szemantikai kérdései Department of Theoretical Linguistics
8. May, 16.00 room 108 Szintaxiskör: Jonathan Brennan: Only Finally Department of Theoretical Linguistics

15. May, 11.00

auditorium, ground-floor Gabrielle Hogan-Brunn Transferability of language ideologies from West to East Department of Sociolinguistics

May. 20., 14.00

auditorium, ground-floor Simon Zsolt (NyTI) Diakrón-kör: Az indoeurópai laringálisok reflexei a kár nyelvben Department of Finno-Ugric

22. May, 11.00

auditorium, ground-floor Wacha Balázs (NyTI)

A nyelvi tervezéshez

Department of Historical Linguistics and Dialectology

27. May, 14.00

auditorium, ground-floor Horváth László (NyTI) A magyar sakknyelv történetéből Department of Historical Linguistics and Dialectology

29. May, 11.00

auditorium, ground-floor Simon Zsolt (NyTI)

Evolúciós biológia és matematika – új utak az indogermanisztikában?

Department of Finno-Ugric
2. June, 10.00-12.30 auditorium, ground-floor Compact Course: Hans Kamp (IMS, Universität Stuttgart): The Semantics of Tense and Aspect in a Dynamic Setting I. Research Institute for Linguistics
3. June, 10.00-12.30 auditorium, ground-floor Compact Course: Hans Kamp (IMS, Universität Stuttgart): The Semantics of Tense and Aspect in a Dynamic Setting II. Research Institute for Linguistics
4. June, 10.00-12.30 auditorium, ground-floor Compact Course: Hans Kamp (IMS, Universität Stuttgart): The Semantics of Tense and Aspect in a Dynamic Setting III. Research Institute for Linguistics
5. June, 10.00-12.30 auditorium, ground-floor Compact Course: Hans Kamp (IMS, Universität Stuttgart): The Semantics of Tense and Aspect in a Dynamic Setting IV. Research Institute for Linguistics
6. June, 10.00-12.30 auditorium, ground-floor Compact Course: Hans Kamp (IMS, Universität Stuttgart): The Semantics of Tense and Aspect in a Dynamic Setting V. Research Institute for Linguistics

10. June, 11.00

auditorium, ground-floor Horváth László (NyTI) A magyar sakknyelv történetéből Department of Historical Linguistics and Dialectology



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