The Hungarian pre-verbal focus: representation and interpretation in light of eye tracking and EEG data

Káldi Tamás (MTA NYTI)



Időpont: 2019. május 23., 11.00

Helyszín: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet (Budapest VI., Benczúr u. 33.), földszinti előadóterem


Psycholinguistic research on focus, an information structural device, has two prominent strands. One is concerned with how focus containing sentences and/or focused elements are represented in the mind. The other line of research investigates the interpretational properties of focus. One such property is exhaustive interpretation.

In my talk I will present experimental results pertaining to both areas and seek to identify extra-linguistic, psychological factors that contribute to understanding why focus is used in certain contexts and why it tends to be interpreted exhaustively.