Gabrielle Hogan-Brun


FCIL is Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bristol, England, and PD at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Her research fields are language and migration, multilingualism, language ideologies, language policy, with particular focus on Central and Eastern Europe. Her wide-ranging publications include the monograph Language Policies and Practices in the Baltic States (with U. Ozolins, M. Ramonienė & M. Rannut, in ‘Current Issues in Language Planning’. 2007). She has guest-edited the special journal issues ‘Language and Social Processes in the Baltic States surrounding EU Accession’ (in Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 2005), and ‘Baltic Sociolinguistic Review’, (in Journal of Baltic Studies, 2005). Other editorships include the book ‘Discourses on Language and Integration. Critical Perspectives on Language Testing Regimes in Europe (with C. Mar-Molinero and P. Stevenson; J. Benjamins, 2009), and Minority Languages in Europe: Frameworks – Status – Prospects (with S. Wolff; Palgrave/Macmillan, 2003; 2004; 2008). She is Founding Editor of the book series Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities, and Associate Editor of the journal Current Issues in Language Planning. From 2002-2006 she directed the British Academy funded Baltic Language and Integration Network (BLaIN).



Tolerance and Linguistic Diversity across Europe


Linguistic diversity is an increasingly experienced feature of growing migration. However the level of tolerance towards inclusion of otherness varies across Europe. Instead the monolingual ideology of previous eras seems to have been revived in order to solve perceived problems with diversity. By contrasting modes of diversity management from East to West, this paper asks whether political communities have a right to claim monolingualism within their territories