Shinichiro Ishihara,

a Potsdami Egyetem fókusz-kutatócsoportjának munkatársa az MIT-n
megvédett disszertációjának fõbb eredményeirõl tart elõadást.

Az  elõadás címe: Prosody by Phase: Scope-Prosody Correspondence in
Japanese Wh-questions

ABSTRACT: In this talk, I will discuss a syntax-prosody
correspondence phenomenon in Japanese wh-questions.  Japanese
wh-questions exhibit correspondence between the domain of focus
intonation and the scope of the wh-question.  I will propose a
syntactic model which derives this correspondence, using the
notions of 'phase' and 'Multiple Spell-Out' in the recent
Minimalist framework.  More specifically I will claim that this
syntax-prosody correspondence is a result of cyclic computation
of focus intonation at PF, triggered at a relevant Spell-Out.
Two predictions of the proposed model will be examined by
phonetic experiments.  One is the existence of a focus intonation
embedded inside another; the other is a syntax-prosody mismatch
case created by a wh-scrambling.