Abstract submission
The organizers invite undergraduate and doctoral students to submit abstracts for 30-minute oral presentations in English (an extra 10 minutes will be allotted for discussion) describing original, unpublished work, addressing topics from any of the following fields of linguisitcs:
Language Technology
Historical Linguistics
We only accept submissions from students (those not having defended a PhD by 1st January). Submissions should be limited to a maximum of two abstracts by one person, one single authored and one co-authored.
Abstracts must be submitted electronically and preferably in PDF format (MS Word and RTF files will also be accepted). All-inclusive abstract length is 2 A4 pages with the following formatting requirements:
2,5 cm margins on top, bottom, left and right,
in 12 pt Times New Roman,
single line spacing, and
normal character spacing.
Abstracts must be anonymous, and must be accompanied by a plain text identification page stating:
the author's name
the author's affiliation
the name and email address of a professor who can supply information about the author's student status.