ERC_15_HU, OTKA 118079
Languages under the Influence. Uralic syntax changing in an asymmetrical contact situation |
Databases: Surgut KhantySurgut Khanty
Old texts Paasonen Source: Vértes, Edith (2001): Heikki Paasonens surgutostjakische Textsammlungen am Jugan. Neu transkribiert, bearbeitet, übersetzt und mit Kommentaren versehen von Edith Vértes. In: Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 240. Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, Helsinki. 67-92. We greatfully acknowledge Elena Skribnik and Zsófia Schön for kindly providing us the IPA transcriptions, the glossed texts, the English, German, Hungarian and Russian translations, and the audio files. 1. Text a. IPA 2. Morphologically analyzed text 3. Translation a. English b. German c. Hungarian d. Russian All translations sentence-level aligned 4. ELAN files a. .eaf files b. audio files
New texts Pesikova Source: Песикова, А. С. - Волкова, А. Н. (2013): Сказки, рассказы с реки Лямы: фольклорный сборник на языке сургутских ханты. Юграфика, Ханты-Мансийск. [Pesikova, A. S. - Volkova, A. N. (2013): Skazki, rasskazy s reki Ljamy: fol’klornyj sbornik na jazyke surgutskix xanty. Jugrafika, Xanty-Mansijsk.] We greatfully acknowledge the permission of Agrafena Pesikova, Anisya Volkova and the Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development to transliterate, morphologically annotate and republish online texts that were collected, edited and published by them. The glossing was made manually; we follow the widely-used glossing abbreviations with some minor additions. The list of tags and their meaning is available here. 1. Text c. IPA 2. Morphologically analyzed text 3. Translation a. English b. Hungarian c. Russian All translations sentence-level aligned 4. ELAN files a. .eaf files
Collection of Márta Csepregi and Katalin Gugán (2017) Source: narrative texts, film descriptions and picture descriptions. Informants: Olesya Yosifovna Sopochina, Feoktista Ivanovna Smirnova. Linguistic transcription: Ludmila Nikolaevna Kayukova.
Metadata 1.
Morphologically analyzed text
3. Translation
All translations sentence-level aligned
4. ELAN files
.eaf files
audio files |