ERC_15_HU, OTKA 118079
Languages under the Influence. Uralic syntax changing in an asymmetrical contact situation |
Databases: Tundra NenetsTundra Nenets
Old texts Lehtisalo Source: Lehtisalo, Toivo (1947): Juraksamojedische Volksdichtung. Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, Helsinki. For the morphological analysis, the Giellatekno morphological analyzer was used. 1. Text a. transliteration by Péter Hajdú b. transliteration by Nikolett Mus c. Cyrillic d. IPA 2. Morphologically analyzed text 3. Translation a. English b. German c. Hungarian All translations sentence-level aligned 4. ELAN files a. .eaf files
New texts Collection of Nikolett Mus (2017) Source: narrative texts, film descriptions and picture descriptions by Khadry Okotetto 1. Text b. IPA 2. Translation a. Russian All translations sentence-level aligned 3. ELAN files a. .eaf files b. audio files
Labanauskas Source: Лабанаускас, К. И. (1995): Ненецкий фольклор. Мифы, сказки, исторические предания. Вып. 5. Красноярск. [Labanauskas, K. I. (1995): Neneckij fol’klor. Mify, skazki, istoričeskie predanija. Vyp. 5. Krasnojarsk.] 1. Text a. Cyrillic b. IPA 2. ELAN files a. .eaf files
Narʺjana nerm Source: Наръяна нерм [Narʺjana nerm] (magazine) 1. Text a. Cyrillic b. IPA 2. ELAN files a. .eaf files
Puškarëva--Xomič Source: Пушкарёва, Е. Т. - Хомич, Л. В. (2001): Фольклор ненцев. Наука, Новосибирск. [Puškarëva, E. T. - Xomič, L. V. (2001): Fol'klor nencev. Nauka, Novosibirsk.] 1. Text a. Cyrillic b. IPA 2. Translation a. English b. Hungarian c. Russian All translations sentence-level aligned 3. ELAN files a. .eaf files