Organized jointly by the Research Institute of Linguistics of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, the Department of English and American Studies of the
University of Veszprém and the Veszprém Regional Committee of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences
We are calling linguists in and outside Hungary to gather and produce
state-of-the-art presentations in English in the theoretical aspects of
research into the Hungarian language, notably in phonology, morphology, syntax,
semantics, pragmatics, socio-, psycho- and neuro- and historical linguistics,
as well as cognitive science.
We are expecting anonymous abstracts in English of maximum two pages
(single-space, Times 12 point or equivalent), for 30-minute presentations (to
be followed by 10 minutes of discussion), preferably sent electronically to the
following address:
not later than December 31, 2004. Hard copies (5 anonymous copies + a card with
author's name and affiliation) are to be sent to the following address (please,
observe the same deadline):
MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet
H-1068 Budapest,
Banczúr u. 33.
Please make sure that the abstract contains no easily recognizable reference to
your own work. (The organizers will see to it that all abstracts sent out to
the selection committee are properly anonymized.) Notofications of
acceptance/rejection will be sent out by January 31, 2005.
Young researchers, graduate students are particularly encouraged by special
grants made available to them.
The venue of the conference:
Veszprém Academic Committee Building
Registration fee: 20.000,- HUF / 80,- EUR
On behalf of the organizers,
István Kenesei, Director, Research Institute of Linguistics of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences,
Szilárd Szentgyörgyi, Associate Professor, Dept. of English and American
Studies, University of Veszprém