Date: December 3, 2017.

1. Introduction

Let me begin with a little known comment by Noam Chomsky (see [GE82] p.15 or [GE04] p.42), made in response to a question on the significance of automata theory for linguistics and mathematics:

  This seems to me what one would expect from applied mathematics, to see if you can find systems that capture some of the properties of the complex system that you are working with, and to ask whether those systems have any intrinsic mathematical interest, and whether they are worth studying in abstraction. And that has happened exactly at one level, the level of context-free grammar. At any other level it has not happened. The systems that capture other properties of language, for example, of transformational grammar, hold no interest for mathematics. But I do not think that is a necessary truth. It could turn out that there would be richer and more appropriate mathematical ideas that would capture other, maybe deeper properties of language than context free grammars do. In that case you have another branch of applied mathematics which might have linguistic consequences. That would be exciting.

Let me hasten to say that I do not wish to argue with Chomsky’s assessment. It would be hard to do, at any rate, since he leaves room for both possibilities: that there is no linguistic theory beyond context-free grammars that is of interest to mathematics; or perhaps there is. But I was particularly struck by the sentence The systems that capture other properties of language, for example, of transformational grammar, hold no interest for mathematics. From the 1970’s on, transformational grammar has been responsible, directly on indirectly, for much research on generalizations of automata that, instead of transforming strings to strings, transform trees to trees. Rational transducers, for example, gave rise to a variety of tree transducers (deterministic, nondeterministic, top-down, bottom-up), in no small part motivated by the desire to find a compact mathematical formalism underlying transformational grammar. In fact, transformations of parse trees, called translations in the computer science literature, are central to the contemporary theory of compilers. There has been a subtle change of perspective, though. Transformational grammar, motivated by examples such as the English passive, seeks to understand operations on tree-like structures within one given language. Compilers translate from source code to object code: from one (typically context-free) language to another.

One can appeal to an algebraic analogy at this point. If context-free languages are like algebras, then context-free grammars are like presentations of algebras via generators and relations. One can map one set of generators into another in a way that preserves relations; such a mapping induces a homomorphism of algebras. So there ought to be such a thing as mapping one context-free grammar into another in a ‘structure-preserving’ way, and this should induce a homomorphism between languages.

The goal of this note is to give one possible definition of morphism of context-free grammars. This notion will organize context-free grammars into a category [CWM] in such a way that the effects of morphisms on parse trees — these are, more or less, the ‘translations’ of computer science — become functorial. The appearance of these category-theoretic concepts is somewhat auxiliary, however, to the main enterprise, which is to understand what it means to map one grammar into another ‘in a grammatical way’.

We will be guided by four examples of grammatical operations. Keeping in mind Chomsky’s dictum, each of them arises naturally within some body of formalized mathematics — algebra or logic. Going through the motivating examples, the reader is invited to play with the following questions: Which levels of the Chomsky hierarchy do the source and target languages belong to? Which family of transformations (translations? transductions?) does the operation belong to? Each of the motivating examples is given by an explicit formal recipe. Isn’t that recipe an outright ‘morphism’?

Motivating examples.

Notation. We will consider alphabets A and context-free grammars G with productions written x s where x A and s is a string in A. Neither A nor G is assumed finite. An element x of A is non-terminal if it occurs on the left-hand side of some production, and is terminal otherwise. N and T will denote the set of non-terminal and terminal symbols, respectively; so A = N T . For u, v A, write u v if v is immediately derivable from u; let + denote the transitive and the reflexive-transitive closure of the relation .

We will find it convenient to consider each non-terminal as a possible start symbol, and to consider strings both in the full alphabet A and in the set of terminals T . For x N, define

ˆ               ∗    ∗
LG (x) = {u ∈ A  |x ⇒   u}


LG (x) = {u ∈ T ∗|x ⇒ ∗ u}

Thus, for non-terminal x, LˆG(x) is the set of sentential forms that can be generated from x (considered as a start symbol), and LG(x) is the usual language generated from x.

Let us recall the notion of unambiguous grammar in the form that will be most useful to us:

Definition 1.1. The context-free grammar G is unambiguous if for every non-terminal x and u A with x +u there exists exactly one pair of k-tuples


where si A and ui A, such that

This is equivalent to the requirement that the parse tree of every sentential form u  ˆ
LG(x) be unique; or, equivalently, that there exist a unique leftmost derivation, starting from x, for each u ˆLG(x). If every non-terminal is productive, that is, LG(x) is non-empty for all non-terminals x, then Def. 1.1 is equivalent to the unambiguity of the LG(x) in the classical sense. However, Def. 1.1 makes sense even if some or all of the LG(x) are empty.

Definition 1.2. For x N, let tree G(x) denote the set of parse trees of sentential forms from LˆG(x), with root x. (One could just as well consider the set of leftmost or rightmost derivations, or other representatives of equivalence classes of derivations, but the formalism of trees is the handiest.) The depth of a tree is the number of nodes on the longest path from root to any leaf, minus 1. Thus, for T tree G(x), depth(T) = 0 if and only if T consists solely of the root (which is also a leaf) x. Note that depth(T) = 1 if and only if T equals some production x s G. Let nt(T) denote the set of leaves of T labeled by non-terminal symbols; for a node t of T , let label(t) denote the label (i.e. element of the alphabet A) at t.

Let T1 tree G(x) and let T2 be a tree with a leaf t such that label(t) = x. We will skip the definition of the horticultural maneuver of grafting T1 onto T2 at the location t. It is the same as the composition of (chains of) productions, as the illustration(s) below will make it clear.


2. Morphisms of grammars

Let G0 and G1 be context-free grammars in the alphabets A0 and A1, with terminals T0, T1 and non-terminals N0, N1 respectively.

Definition 2.1. A morphism from G0 to G1 consists of the following data:

More plainly, α gives the translation of lexical categories. β specifies, for each production p : x s in the source grammar, a parse tree in the target grammar, with root α(x). Productions of the form x s will be translated to trees of the form β(x s). The re-indexing map γ(p,) associates to the location of each non-terminal symbol r occurring as a leaf in β(x s) the location of a non-terminal symbol s in s such that α will translate s to r. This permits translation of the input parse tree by either top-down or bottom-up recursion.

Let us make this more concrete by a formalization of our motivating example (a). For the sake of readability, we will depart from the BNF convention of enclosing names of non-terminals in angle brackets; strings typeset in sans serif font, such as var and expr, should be considered as stand-alone symbols. Also, we will drop commas separating elements of a set being listed. Dots ‘’ indicate a (potentially infinite) set indexed by the natural numbers.

Example 2.2. Consider the source alphabet

N0 = {varexpr}
T0 = {[,]x1x2xi}
Let the grammar G0 consist of the productions
var x1|x2||xi|
expr [var, var]
expr [var, expr]
expr [expr, var]
expr [expr, expr]

Now consider the target alphabet

N1 = {varexpr}
T1 = {() x1x2xi}
Let the grammar G1 consist of the productions
var x1|x2||xi|
expr var var|var var
expr var (expr)|var (expr)
expr (expr) var|(expr) var
expr (expr) (expr)|(expr) (expr)

There is a morphism from G0 to G1 with components α,β,γ defined by

How does translation from ˆLG0(expr) to LˆG1(expr) actually work? Consider a sentential form generated by G0 from expr, say,


with parse tree

 [    var     ,     expr     ]
x7     [     var      ,     var   ]

Since G1 is unambiguous, the process is easiest to describe by bottom-up induction. Starting from the leaves, associate to each non-terminal symbol t in the input tree a string τ(t) from ˆLG1(α(x)):

To see what is going on, let us affix subscripts to the non-terminals of the above parse tree:

[    var0      ,     expr1     ]
x7     [     var1      ,      var2    ]


τ(var ) = var    τ(var ) = x     τ (var ) = x
     1                0     7         2     3

τ (expr1) = (var ⋅ x3 ) − (x3 ⋅ var)

τ(expr0) = (x7 ⋅ ((var ⋅ x3) − (x3 ⋅ var))) − (((var ⋅ x3 ) − (x3 ⋅ var)) ⋅ x7)

For the parse tree

[    var       ,     expr      ]
        0              | 1
x7     [     var1      ,      var2    ]
               |               |
              x               x
               5                3

a moment’s thought confirms that

τ(expr ) = (x7 ⋅ ((x5 ⋅ x3) − (x3 ⋅ x5))) − (((x5 ⋅ x3) − (x3 ⋅ x5)) ⋅ x7)

respecting all long-distance dependencies.

Above, G0 was an unambiguous grammar, hence one could talk of the translation of a string or of a parse tree interchangeably. The next proposition defines the effect of a morphism of grammars in general. We retain the notation of Def. 2.1.

Proposition 2.3. A morphism of grammars from G0 to G1 induces, for each x N0, a mapping

τ : treeG0(x ) → treeG1(α(x)).

Indeed, for T tree G0(x), define τ(T) tree G1(α(x)) by induction on the depth of T :

If depth(T) = 0, then T must be x itself, and τ(T) is defined to be α(x).
If depth(T) > 0, let x s G0 be the top production in T . Write p for x s for brevity. Note that nt(p) can be identified with a subset of s, namely, the locations of the non-terminal symbols in s. Since G0 is context-free, each s nt(p) induces a subtree Ts of T with s as root. For each t nt(β(p)), graft the tree τ(Tγ(p,t)) on β(p) with t as root. τ(T) is defined to be the resulting tree.

The definition makes sense: since depth(Ts) < depth(T) for any s nt(p), τ(Ts) is defined by the induction hypothesis. Note that τ(Ts) belongs to tree G1(α(label(s)) by the induction assumption, and α( label(γ(p,t))) = label(t) by Def. 2.1. That is, the non-terminal symbol at the root of τ(Tγ(p,t)) coincides with the non-terminal symbol at the location t. Since G1 is a context-free grammar, the graft is well-defined, and τ(T) will belong to tree G1(α(x)) as desired.

fig. 1: Computing τ(T). Above, p is a production (i.e. tree of depth 1), β(p) is a tree, s and t are leaves labeled with non-terminal symbols such that s = γ(p,t). x and α(x) are the labels of the roots.

Obviously, one can rewrite the above recursive definition into an algorithm to compute τ(T) by bottom-up induction on T , from leaves toward the root. Note that if depth(T) = 1, that is, T is a production x s in G0, then τ(T) ends up being the same as β(T).

We will sometimes consider the induced translation τ as a multi-valued mapping

ˆLG0 (x) → LˆG1 (α(x )).

Indeed, for each u ˆLG0(x), there is a value for each parse tree T of u, namely, the string in LˆG1(α(x)) generated by τ(T).

Proposition 2.4. For any x N0 and u LG0(x) with parse tree T , τ(T) generates a string in LG1(α(x)).

Proof. By induction on the depth of T . depth(T) = 0 is impossible, since x is assumed non-terminal and u is a string of terminals. If depth(T) = 1, then T consists of the single production x u G0. The leaves of τ(x u) = β(x u) must consist of terminals. Indeed, if there was a leaf labeled with a non-terminal, then γ(x u,) would need to map its location to the location of some non-terminal in u, but u does not contain any non-terminals. So τ(T) = β(x u) generates a string in LG1(α(x)).

If depth(T) > 1, then τ(T) is, by the definition, the result of grafting trees of the form τ(Ts), for subtrees Ts of T , onto those leaves of β(x s) that contain non-terminals. Using the induction hypothesis, all leaves of τ(Ts) are labeled with terminal symbols; hence τ(T) generates an element of LG1(α(x)) as well.

Let us summarize the discussion so far:

Corollary 2.5. A morphism (α,β,γ) of context-free grammars from G0 to G1 induces a function, for each x N0, from tree G0(x) to tree G1(α(x)). This induces, in turn, a multi-valued function from ˆLG0(x) to ˆLG1(α(x)), which restricts to a multi-valued function from LG0(x) to LG1(α(x)). If G0 is an unambiguous grammar, then the latter two maps are single-valued.

Example 2.6. Returning to our motivating example (b), consider the source alphabet

N0 = {expr}
T0 = {x1x2xi}
Let the grammar G0 consist of the productions
expr x1|x2||xi|
expr expr expr
expr expr expr

Now consider the target grammar G1 with identical alphabet N1 = N0, T1 = T0 but productions

expr x1|x2||xi|
expr exprexpr
expr exprexpr

There is a morphism from G0 to G1 with components α,β,γ defined by

(Since G1 is unambiguous, there is no loss in writing the values of β as strings, as opposed to parse trees. The first argument of γ is suppressed for the sake of readability; numbers refer to locations of non-terminal symbols, as before.) For any u LG0(expr), the values of τ(u) will be the prefix forms of the parses of u.

Before moving on to compositions of morphisms and the rest of our motivating examples, let us make a series of remarks.

The definition of morphism of grammars, as given above, appears out of the blue, and in somewhat austere generality. Admittedly, the definition, like most in the realm of algebra, is ‘experimental’, and driven by several, not easily formalizable criteria. It should cover enough cases of interest, seemingly not otherwise connected; it should possess good structural properties; and should have a family, or conceptual resemblance to other notions that have proved useful. As for the instances of morphisms of grammars in mathematical syntax, I am hopeful this article provides quite a few. The desired structure theory is phrased in the language of categories; see below. As for family resemblances, there exist significant overlaps between the formalisms of tree transducers, term rewrite systems and context-free language transformations, discussion of which would take us far afield. Suffice it to say that the notion of morphism of grammars is most similar to (and in fact, properly contains) synchronous context-free grammars (SCFG); see e.g. Chapter 23 of [AS10]. SCFG are themselves notational variants of the syntax-directed translation schemata of Aho and Ullman [AU72]. The differences are quite significant:

Thus, because of the presence of repeated variables, our motivating example (a) could not be handled by a SCFG. Nonetheless, it is fair to think of morphisms of grammars as syntax-directed translation schemes, boosted to their ‘natural level of generality’.

Recall that our grammars do not contain preferred start symbols; a morphism of grammars induces a multi-valued map

 ˆ         ˆ
LG0 (x) →  LG1(α (x))

for each non-terminal x in the alphabet A0 of G0. It may well happen that for some u A0, there exist distinct x0,x1 N0 such that u  ˆ
LG0(x0) and u  ˆ
LG0(x1), and the translation(s) into ˆ
LG1 differ when u is considered as a descendant of x0 from when it is considered a descendant of x1.

The language of iterated commutators, cf. Example 2.2, could be more succinctly defined with the help of a single non-terminal symbol expr and productions

expr x1|x2||xi|
expr [expr, expr]
However, as long as one prefers to put parentheses around compound expressions, but not around individual variables in the language of terms with infix operators and , one needs both of the syntactic categories var and expr in the target language. This, in turn, necessitates that the source language should distinguish variables from compound expressions; hence the more labored grammar G0 of Example 2.2. This observation highlights that our morphisms are defined between context-free grammars, and are sensitive to the choice of grammar, even for unambiguous languages.

What seems to be conspicuously missing from the definition of morphism is how the terminal symbols get translated. Indeed, the function α that is part of the morphism data goes from non-terminal symbols to non-terminal symbols. Of course, the function β is responsible for the translation of terminals, since terminals occurring in the language can be reached from the source non-terminal via productions. In fact, the reader may enjoy working the following out. Let T0, T1 be alphabets. Recall that any map h : T0 T1 induces a semigroup homomorphism h : T 0 T 1. (The reuse of the letter ‘h’ should cause no confusion.) For a language L T0, h restricts to a map h : L T 1. Maps of this type are called literal homomorphisms.

Exercise. Let G0 be a context-free grammar in the alphabet N0 T0 and T1 another set of terminals. Let h : T0 T1 be a map, inducing a literal homomorphism h : L G0(x) T1 for each x N 0. Show that there exists a context-free grammar G1 in the alphabet N0 T1 and a morphism of grammars G0 G1 whose associated translation τ : LG0(x) LG1(x) is single-valued and satisfies τ(u) = h(u) for all u LG0(x), any x N0. (Hint: extend h to a semigroup homomorphism (N0 T0) (N 0 T1) by setting h(x) = x for x N 0. α is the identity. Now let β(x s) = h(s).)

That is, any literal homomorphism can be induced by a morphism of grammars. Similarly, any rational transducer (thought of as a multi-valued mapping from its domain to its range, both being rational languages) can be encoded via a morphism of grammars. The details of this encoding are straightforward, but will be skipped here. It is unlikely that the notion of morphism of grammars will have anything to add to the very fine-tuned theory of rational transducers.

The next proposition is a simultaneous extension of Prop. 2.4 and of the defining property of the re-indexing map γ from the definition of morphism.

Proposition 2.7. Let (α,β,γ) be a morphism of context-free grammars from G0 to G1, x N0 and T tree G0(x). There is a natural map γ(T,) from nt(τ(T)) to nt(T) such that for any t nt(τ(T)),

α( label(γ(T, t))) = label(t).

Proof. By induction on the depth of T . If depth(T) = 0 then T consists of just the root x N0, and τ(T) is the tree containing only the root α(x) N1. So nt(T) = {x} and nt(τ(T)) = {α(x)}; γ(T,) is uniquely determined.

If depth(T) > 0, recall how τ(T) is defined. Let p G0 be the top production in T . As before, this induces subtrees Ts of T with roots s nt(p). For each t nt(β(p)), graft the tree τ(Tγ(p,t)) on β(p) with t as root. τ(T) is defined to be the resulting tree.

Consider any t nt(β(p)) and let s = γ(p,t). Since depth(Ts) < depth(T), by the induction hypothesis there is a map γ(Ts,) from nt(τ(Ts)) to nt(Ts), with α as left inverse to the action of γ(Ts,) on labels. When grafting τ(Ts) to β(p), the domain of γ(Ts,) can be shifted with it, to become a subset of nt(τ(T)).

However, nt(τ(T)) is the disjoint union of the various nt(τ(Ts)) grafted to β(p), with s = γ(p,t), as t ranges over nt(β(p)). γ(T,) can thus be defined as the disjoint union of the (appropriately shifted) maps γ(Ts,).

fig. 2: Defining γ(T,). Above, p is a production (i.e. tree of depth 1), β(p) is a tree, s1,s2,t1 and t2 are leaves labeled with non-terminal symbols such that s1 = γ(p,t1) and s2 = γ(p,t2).

Note that if T is a production x s G0 then γ(T,), as constructed above, coincides with γ(x s,) that is part of the morphism data; there is thus no conflict of notation.

Observe also that when T is a parse tree of some string u containing only terminal symbols then the leaves of τ(T) cannot contain non-terminals either (since no map γ(T,) with the properties above could exist); so we indeed have an extension of Prop. 2.4.

Our choice of terminology insinuates that morphisms can be composed, and, with context-free grammars as objects, form a category. We will treat this next.

Definition 2.8. Let G0,G1,G2 be context-free grammars, and let (α010101) be a morphism from G0 to G1, and (α121212) a morphism from G1 to G2. Define their composite

(α02,β02,γ02) = (α01, β01,γ01) ⋆ (α12,β12,γ12)

a morphism from G0 to G2, as follows:

α02 is the composite N0 α01
−−→1 α12

Let x s (abbreviated as p) be a production in G0. Set β02(p) = τ12(β01(p)), where τ12 is the induced translation from tree G1(y) to tree G2(α12(y)), for y N1. Note that β02(x s) is an element of tree G2(α12(α01(x))), i.e. of tree G2(α02(x)), as required.

γ02(p,) is to be a map from nt(β02(p)) to nt(p). It is defined as the composite

                γ (β (p),−)            γ  (p,− )
nt (τ12(β01(p)))−1−2−−01−− −→  nt(β01(p)) −−01−−−→  nt(p)

More plainly, a production p G0 is translated by β01 into a parse tree T1 formed with G1, which τ12 translates into a parse tree T2 formed with G2. The re-indexing map γ12(β01(p),) goes from leaves of T2 labeled with non-terminal symbols to leaves of T1 labeled with non-terminal symbols, followed by the re-indexing map γ01(p,) from leaves of T1 labeled with non-terminal symbols, to leaves (i.e. letters on the right-hand side) of the production p that are non-terminal symbols.

As a continuation of Example 2.6, it is instructive at this point to construct grammars G0, G1, G2 for prefix resp. postfix resp. fully parenthesized infix terms of binary function symbols and , and morphisms Gi Gj (i,j ∈{0, 1, 2}) that form a commutative diagram of isomorphisms. Of course, one expects more: a commutative diagram of (iso)morphisms of grammars should induce a commutative diagram of (bijective) mappings between the associated languages. That is indeed so. To prove it, we need a key structural property of τ. By definition, the translation τ(T) of a parse tree T can be generated by attaching to the translation of the top production in T the translations of the sub-trees of the top production — appropriately re-indexed. The next lemma states that the same recipe applies if one separates any top segment, not necessarily just the top production, of the input tree. The necessary re-indexing is supplied by Prop. 2.7.

Lemma 2.9. Let x N0 and T tree G0(x). For each s nt(T), suppose given Us tree G0(label(s)). Let TU tree G0(x) be the result of grafting each Us to s as root. Now, for each t nt(τ(T)), graft τ(Uγ(T,t)) to τ(T) with t as root. Let τ(T)τ(U) tree G1(α(x)) be the resulting tree. Then τ(TU) = τ(T)τ(U).

fig. 3: Modularity of τ(T). s and t are leaves labeled with non-terminal symbols such that s = γ(p,t). x and α(x) are labels of the roots. Note the similarity with Fig. 1.

Proof. By induction on depth(T). When depth(T) = 0, the lemma is a tautology. When depth(T) = 1, it is the inductive step in the definition of τ (applied to the tree TU, whose top production is T ).

If depth(T) > 1, let p G0 be the top production in T . As before, this induces subtrees Tr of T with roots r nt(p). The set of leaves of T with non-terminal labels, nt(T), is the disjoint union of nt(Tr) as r ranges over nt(p). For each r nt(p), let Tr,U be the tree that results from grafting Us to s for each s nt(Tr). Tr,U is thus the same as the subtree of TU with r as root.

τ(TU) (by the inductive step in the definition of τ) is the result of grafting τ(Tγ(p,v),U) to v, for v ranging over nt(β(p)). Pick such a v nt(β(p)) and let r = γ(p,v). Since depth(Tr,U) < depth(T), by the induction hypothesis τ(Tr,U) is the same as the result of grafting, for each t nt(τ(Tr)), τ(Uγ(Tr,t)) to t as root. As v ranges over nt(β(p)), this assembles to the same tree as τ(T) with τ(Uγ(T,t)) grafted to t for each t nt(τ(T)). But that is the same as τ(T)τ(U) by definition, completing the induction step.

Proposition 2.10. If G0, G1, G2 are context-free grammars and (α010101) : G0 G1 resp. (α121212) : G1 G2 morphisms of grammars, with composite (α020202) : G0 G2 and associated translation functions τ0112 and τ02. Then for all x N0 and T tree G0(x),

τ12(τ01(T )) = τ02(T )  in treeG2(α02 (x )).

Proof. When depth(T) = 0, this reduces to α12(α01(x)) = α02(x). When depth(T) > 0, let p be the top production in T , inducing subtrees Ts with roots s nt(p) as before. τ01(T), by definition, is the result of grafting τ01(Tγ01(p,t)) to t for each t nt(β01(p)). τ12 of that composite tree, by Lemma 2.9, is the result of grafting τ12(τ01(Tγ01(p,t))), with t = γ12(τ12(β01(p)),r), to r nt(τ12(β01(p))). But that is the same as the translation of T under τ02, by definition of the composite of two morphisms.

Proposition 2.11. The composition of morphisms of context-free grammars is associative. That is, if Gi (i = 0, 1, 2, 3) are context-free grammars, and μi,i+1 = (αi,i+1i,i+1i,i+1) morphisms from Gi to Gi+1 (here i = 0, 1, 2) then

μ01 ⋆ (μ12 ⋆ μ23) = (μ01 ⋆ μ12) ⋆ μ23.

Proof. The component α03 of G0 G3 is the composite

    α       α       α
N0  −−0→1 N1 −−1→2 N2 −−23→  N3.

As regards β03 : given p G0, μ01 (μ12 ⋆μ23) associates to it τ13(β01(p)), while (μ01 ⋆μ12)⋆μ23 sends it to τ23(β02(p)). But both of those equal τ23(τ12(β01(p))), by Prop. 2.10.

Finally, γ03(p,), computed either way, is the composite

                     γ23(τ12(β01(p)),−)                 γ12(β01(p),−)             γ01(p,−)
nt (τ23(τ12(β01(p))))−−− −−− −−−−→  nt (τ12(β01(p))) −−−− −−−→  nt (β01(p))−−−− −→  nt &

Definition 2.12. Let cfg be the category whose objects are context-free grammars, with morphisms defined by Prop. 2.1 and composition defined by Prop. 2.8. The identity morphism on G is given by (id N, id G, id nt(p)), i.e. identity maps.

We are now ready to assemble Prop. 2.3, Cor. 2.5, Prop. 2.10 and Prop. 2.11 into the main theorem of this paper. Intuitively, it says that tree is a functor from cfg to the category of sets. However, since we did not include a preferred start symbol in the data for context-free grammars (and much less did we assume that any such symbol would be preserved by morphisms), the target category is slightly more complicated. Let Mor(Set) be the category of maps of sets. An object of Mor(Set) is thus a function f : X Y between arbitrary sets; a morphism from f1 : X1 Y 1 to f2 : X2 Y 2 consists of maps u : X1 X2 and v : Y 1 Y 2 such that

 X1 ---//X2|
f1         f  2
 Y  -v-// Y
   1     2

commutes. Morphisms are composed ‘horizontally’. Mor(Set) is an example of a diagram category (see e.g. MacLane [CWM]), but an alternative way to think of it is as the category of sets fibered over a base: f : X Y can be thought of as the family of sets f1(y) with y Y . Morphisms are then fiberwise maps.

Theorem 2.13.

There exists a well-understood interplay between rational languages, finite state automata, and monoid objects in categories; the canonical reference is Arbib [AA69]. Category-theoretic properties of cfg (for example, the existence of pullbacks, filtered colimits or coproducts) as well as the roles that morphisms, functors, natural transformations etc. may play in formal language theory at higher levels of the Chomsky hierarchy, are much less explored.

3. Looking ahead

We have only dealt with two of the motivating examples. Neither of the other two can be described by a morphism G G where G is any of the usual unambiguous context-free grammars for first order logic, or, I suspect, any context-free grammar for it. It should come as no surprise that there are limitations to the ‘word processing power’ of morphisms, as defined above. One expects that there exists a hierarchy of mappings between context-free grammars, just as there are hierarchies of languages, complexity classes, and so on. The goal of this final — much more speculative — section is to sketch further levels of this hierarchy. But first, here is one expression of the structural limitations of morphisms.

Proposition 3.1. Suppose (α,β,γ) : G0 G1 is a morphism of grammars with the property that for some constant K,

depth (β(p)) ≤ K

for all p G0. Then for all x N0 and T tree G0(x),

depth (τ(T )) ≤ K  ⋅ depth (T).

The proof is by induction on depth(T). Note that such a bound K always exists if G0 is finite; however, our grammars (and alphabets) were not assumed to be so by default.

Example 3.2. Let L be the language of function terms for an associative binary operation (denoted by juxtaposition), fully parenthesized, with infinitely many variables available. The alphabet is

N = {expr}
T = {()x1x2xi}
with unambiguous grammar
expr x1|x2||xi|
expr (exprexpr)
Let τ : L L be the mapping that sends an expression to its leftmost-parenthesized equivalent. For example,
((x5x3 )((x1x3 )x2))

is to be sent to

((((x5x3)x1)x3 )x2 )

If there was a morphism of grammars (α,β,γ) : G G inducing τ, it would have to satisfy

β(expr →  xi) = xi

for all i = 1, 2,. Since there is only one other production in the grammar, namely,

expr → (exprexpr)

Prop. 3.1 would apply. However, for any positive integer d, let T be the term in variables x1,x2,,x2d whose parse tree (ignoring parentheses) is the complete binary tree of depth d; e.g. for d = 3:

(((x1x2 )(x3x4 ))((x5x6 )(x7x8 )))

τ(T) is a left-branching tree, with depth 2d.

{  depth (T)  |T  ∈ treeG(expr)}

is thus unbounded, and the mapping τ cannot correspond to any morphism of grammars.

This argument does not apply to our motivating example (c), replacement of free occurrences of a variable x in the input formula ϕ by some term t, since

depth (τx→t (ϕ)) ≤ depth(ϕ ) + depth (t)

always. (We have silently fixed an unambiguous context-free grammar G for first order logic.) However, no morphism G G induces τxt(ϕ). The recursive rules

τx→t (ϕ ∧ ψ ) ⇒ τx→t (ϕ ) ∧ τx→t(ψ )

τ   (∀y ϕ) ⇒ ∀y τ   (ϕ)
 x→t             x→t

showing that replacement descends the parse tree along boolean connectives and quantification with respect to variables other than x, conform perfectly to the combinatorial possibilities of a self-morphism of G. However, one has

τx→t(∀x ϕ) ⇒ ∀x ϕ

since all free occurrences of x in ϕ become bound in . τxt() is thus not a function of τxt(ϕ), since ϕ cannot in general be reconstructed from τxt(ϕ). So τxt cannot be computed by bottom-up induction, whereas translations induced by morphisms can always be.

Intuitively, a morphism of grammars applies the same functional transformation (itself!), iteratively, to subtrees of the input tree, whereas () calls on a different transformation (namely, the identity) when the input has the form . Recall that two functions f,g : are defined by simultaneous recursion if f(0) and g(0) are given, and there exist functions F and G such that for n > 0,

f(n) = F(n,f(n 1),g(n 1))
g(n) = G(n,f(n 1),g(n 1)).
In the presence of a pairing function that codes the ordered pair f(n),g(n)as a single natural number, simultaneous recursion can be replaced by ordinary recursion. However, for tree transformations, simultaneous recursion on syntax has more expressive power than simple recursion.

Definition 3.3. Let G0 and G1 be context-free grammars in the alphabets N0,T0, N1,T1 as usual, and k a positive integer. A k-morphism from G0 to G1 defined by simultaneous recursion consists of the following data:

A k-morphism is, roughly, a k-tuple of grammatical transformations that are intertwined via the function δ: the i-th transformation can call on the j-th transformation to act on a subtree of the input tree. The maps αi provide the initial values. There is no circular dependency, since each recursive call applies to a lower-level subtree of the input tree. More precisely,

Proposition 3.4. A k-morphism of grammars from G0 to G1 induces, for each i = 1, 2,,k and x N0, a mapping

τi : treeG0(x) → treeG1(αi(x)).

Proof. For T tree G0(x), define the τi(T) tree G1(αi(x)) simultaneously by induction on the depth of T :

If depth(T) = 0, then T must be x itself, and τi(T) is defined to be αi(x).
If depth(T) > 0, let x s G0 be the top production in T . Write p for x s for brevity. As usual, nt(p) can be identified with a subset of s, the locations of the non-terminal symbols in s. Since G0 is context-free, each s nt(p) induces a subtree Ts of T with s as root. For each i = 1, 2,,k and t nt(βi(p)), writing j = δi(p,t), graft the tree τj(Tγi(p,t)) on βi(p) with t as root. τi(T) is defined to be the resulting tree.

Since depth(Ts) < depth(T) for all s nt(p), τj(Ts) is defined by the induction hypothesis. Note that τj(Ts) belongs to tree G1(αj(label(s)) by the induction assumption, and αj( label(γi(p,t))) = label(t) by Def. 3.3. That is, the non-terminal symbol at the root of τj(Tγi(p,t)) coincides with the non-terminal symbol at the location t. Since G1 is a context-free grammar, the graft is well-defined, and τi(T) will belong to tree G1(αi(x)) as desired.

When finding τi(T) by recursion from root to leaves on T , one can restrict to computing τj(Ts) only for those subtrees Ts of T and values j ∈{1, 2,,k} that are called for by the indexing function δ. When using bottom-up induction, the entire k-tuple of values (τ1()2(),k()) needs to be computed for all subtrees of T .

Mutatis mutandis, the results of the previous section, from Prop. 2.3 to Prop. 3.1, remain valid for morphisms defined by simultaneous recursion. The composition of a k-morphism from G0 to G1 and n-morphism from G1 to G2 will be a k n-morphism from G0 to G2. Composition is associative, and tree G becomes a functor from cfg to tuples of functions of sets. The details, while not conceptually complicated, are quite tedious (largely for notational reasons) and will not be needed here.

The reader is invited to define the pair of transformations (τxt, id) by simultaneous recursion on the syntax of first order logic. τxt calls itself and id, while the identity transformation calls itself only. The fact that the treatment of descendant nodes is inherited from their parent nodes is reminiscent of attribute grammar.

Note that ϕxt, replacing all free occurrences of the variable x in the formula ϕ by the term t, is the least complicated of the multitude of operations involving variable replacement and binding. If a free variable in t is captured by a quantifier in ϕ, then ϕ will no longer imply its instance ϕxt; to preserve the intended logical meaning, the dummy variable appearing in the capturing quantifier in ϕ should be renamed first, to a variable not occurring in ϕ or t. However, the function that returns a variable not occurring in a given formula does not have a canonical value, and is not easily describable in terms of language operations. A related, and much researched, issue is the formalization of explicit substitution in lambda calculi [ES90]: under explicit substitution, the operation x t does not belong to the meta-language, but is part of the language itself. On the other hand, there seem to exist few studies, from the viewpoint of mathematical linguistics, of the syntax of substitutions through de Bruijn indices or Bourbaki’s variable-free notation [TL99].

Prop. 3.1 does not apply either to our fourth (and last) motivating example, transforming first order formulas ϕ to negation normal form nnf(ϕ), since depth(nnf(ϕ)) depth(ϕ) always. But nnf cannot be induced by a morphism, or in fact k-morphism. The standard context-free grammars of first order logic contain the production

expr →  ⌝expr

But β(expr expr) cannot contain any terminal symbols; any non-terminal other than ‘expr’; or more than one copy of ‘expr’: each of those possibilities would be inconsistent with the fact that nnf(⌝⌝ϕ) = nnf(ϕ). So β(expr expr) is forced to be ‘expr’, which of course is incompatible with the negation normal form of ϕ for atomic ϕ.

Intuitively, the issue is that the rewrite rules

⌝⌝ϕ ϕ
(ϕ ψ) ϕ ψ
(ϕ ψ) ϕ ψ
may introduce new instances of the negation symbol on their right hand sides. It requires a moment of thought to verify that this set of rules is noetherian (starting with any formula, they cannot be applied infinitely often) and many more moments of thought to verify that they are confluent (every formula has a unique negation normal form, even if the above rewrite rules are applied to arbitrary subformulas first, in any order, until no rule applies anywhere).

Recall that a term rewrite system (TRS) is an unordered set of rewrite rules acting on function terms in some fixed signature. A TRS is called convergent if it is both noetherian and confluent [TR98]. All four motivating examples, and Example 3.2 as well, belong to the family of convergent TRS, adapted from the unambiguous grammar of function terms to the general setting of context-free grammars. The fact that the effect of morphisms on parse trees can be computed by both bottom-up and top-down recursion, as well as Lemma 2.9, can be seen as corollaries of confluence.

It is quite challenging, however, to fashion a category out of convergent TRS. To begin with, neither the confluence nor the noetherianness of TRS is, in general, decidable (though, curiously, the confluence of noetherian TRS is decidable). Secondly, a famous example due to Toyama shows that the disjoint union of two convergent TRS need not be convergent. Thus the composite of two TRS cannot, in general, be defined as the disjoint union of their underlying rules. There exist, however, sufficient conditions for the modularity of convergence for TRS. Alternatively, one can experiment with ordered (prioritized) rewriting rules.

In a different direction, the notion of morphism of context-free grammars could be broadened to allow for non-determinism: several right-hand sides of the component β. Finally, the focus on parse trees is, to some extent, restrictive: the domain of these transformations could be any set of node-labeled rooted trees closed under taking subtrees.

I hope to elaborate some of these ideas in later publications. In closing, let me return to the quote from Chomsky that opened this article. Suppose that the only gift linguistics ever gave mathematics was, indeed, the notion of context-free grammar. Let’s play with this present: expand the focus from context-free grammars to maps of context-free grammars (from objects to morphisms) and I think we will agree that linguistics has given mathematics a gift that keeps on giving.


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Department of Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, One University Avenue, Lowell, MA 01854