How do humans understand the meaning of a complex sentence they have never heard before? The answer is that there is an algorithm that allows to compute the meaning of the complex expression from its parts. While this much seems uncontroversial, semanticists have actually argued that natural languages possess a stronger property, that of compositionality. A language is said to be compositional if the meaning of a complex expression is a function of the meaning of its parts given the mode of composition; thus, a language is compositional if the algorithm computing the meaning can do so without knowing the expressions that carry these meanings. It is this latter property that has been made into a litmus test for formal semantic theories. A theory that provides a compositional account of meaning is preferred over one that does not. But how much of a constraint is compositionality on a language? In other words, what empirical significance does it have to say that a language is compositional? Do noncompositional languages at all exist?
While the introduction of the subject is often credited to Montague, it is perhaps the work that has been done in the wake of Montague that had put compositionality firmly on the agenda of formal semantic theorising, see Janssen (1997) for an account by one of the protagonists. The survey books Barker and Jacobson (2007) and Hinzen et al. (2012) document the persistent interest in this notion. From a mathematical point of view, the question is how much of an empirical content this notion has. Janssen has actually shown that any language is compositional, provided no constraints on syntactic operations are being made (see Janssen (1997)). Though his notion of language is slightly nonstandard, the result holds also for languages in the Saussurean sense, ie relations between expressions and meanings.
However, as Kracht (2011) has pointed out, the dual property, namely that the form of an expression is independent of the meaning of its parts, is actually a well known hypothesis of generative grammar: It is called the autonomy of syntax. It is curious that to our knowlede no definition of this notion with the same explicitness has ever been given in print. In retrospect it seems that a grammar that satisfies both of them simultaneously is really what linguistics have been after, and not compositionality alone. We call this property independence. It has a rather simple mathematical formulation, so the investigation may also be of interest in combinatorial theory.
Moreover, it turns out that the property of independence is actually rather tricky. It is still unclear whether there exists a countable language that is not independently generated. Though we believe that such a language exists, we have not been able to find one. The results here exhibit some positive results (specifying languages that are independently generated) and reduces the complexity of the original problem somewhat.
We thank our reviewer for suggesting ways to improve this paper. Also, Marcus Kracht wishes to thank András Kornai for his friendship and the endless discussions on mathematics, language and life.
A language is an arbitrary subset L of E × M, where E and M are given sets of expressions
and meanings, respectively. An independent grammar for L is a finite set F ⊆ L and
a finite set P of pairs of functions (fi,gi), i < m, such that for i < m there is an
ni (the arity of the functions) such that fi : EniE and gi : Mni
M are both
partial functions and L is exactly the set that can be generated from F using P.
The action of such a pair is defined as usual: (f,g)((e0,m0),
, (eni-1,mni-1)) is
defined if and only if both f (e0,
,eni-1) and g(m0,
,eni-1) are defined and in that
There is an obvious mathematical generalisation. Let R ⊆ ωd be a relation. Say that R is
independently generated if there is a finite set of partial functions fik, k < d, of arity ni (only
dependending on i) such that the product functions (fi0,fi1,,fid-1) (of arity ni) generate R
from a finite subset. The limiting case of d = 1 is trivial. Any countable subset of ω can be
generated; it suffices to pick one constant and a single unary function. Thus, the case
d = 2 is the first really interesting case. Notice also that if there is a relation of
arity d that is not independently generated, then there is an example in any higher
Notation. If f is a function and S a set, put f [S] := {f (x) : x ∈ S}. Given L ⊆ ω2 we write Li for the “column” {j : (i,j) ∈ L}. It follows that L = ⋃ i∈ω{i}× Li. Dually we write jL := {i ∈ ω : (i,j) ∈ L}.
The notion of independence is restrictive. Let L ⊆ E ×M be countably infinite. Then there exists a finite subset F and a finite number of partial functions on E × M (rather than independent functions on E and M) generating L. Indeed, one constant plus a single unary function is enough. Simply enumerate L = {(ei,mi) : i ∈ ω}, put F := {(e0,m0)} and let f : E × M → E × M be defined by
However, the question was whether it is possible to define the functions in such a way that the actions on E and on M are independent of each other. In the linguistic literature, two weaker notions have been discussed. The most important one is compositionality. The first result will be that all countable languages have a compositional grammar.
Since the set of generating functions is finite, L is at most countably infinite. Thus we can
restrict E and M to some countably infinite subset; without loss of generality we
can assume them to be the set of natural numbers ω = {0, 1, 2, 3,}. (Formally,
there is nothing that distinguishes members of E from members of M.) Thus, from
now on E = M = ω. Let p1 : ω2 → ω : (i,j)
i and p2 : ω2 → ω : (i,j)
Definition 1 Let f be a partial n-ary function on ω2. We say that f is independent
in the first component if for all pairs (i0,j0), , (in-1,jn-1) and all pairs (i0,k0),
(in-1,kn-1): f ((i0,j0),
, (in-1,jn-1)) is defined if and only if f ((i0,k0),
, (in-1,kn-1))
is defined, and if any of them is defined, then the first projection of the values are
identical, ie
Theorem 2 Let L ⊆ ω2. Then there is a finite set of functions generating L from a finite subset where all functions are independent in the first component. Likewise, the is a finite set of functions generating L from a finite subset where all functions are independent in the second component.
Proof. Obviously, we need to prove only the first claim. The second follows analogously. (Or instead, apply the method to L⌣ := {(j,i) : (i,j) ∈ L} and then “switch” the solution.) Now, consider first the language
So M has the form M = {(i,ni) : i ∈ H} for some H ⊆ ω. Let α be the least member of H, ie the least number such that Lα ⇔ ∅. Introduce a constant for (α,nα). Next, let k(i,j) be defined as follows. In case j = ni and there is a q > i such that Lq ⇔ ∅, let k(i,j) := (p,np), where p is the smallest number > i such that Lp is nonempty. If no such number exists, or if j ⇔ ni, put k(i,j) := (i,j). Now put
Next, define a function ν as follows. Given i and j, ν(i,j) := j if either j ℜ Li or j is the largest member of Li. Otherwise, ν(i,j) yields the least j′ such that j′ ∈ Li and j′ > j. Now put
Notice that we have been able to define total functions. Consider a system F of generating (partial) functions on E × M. This system is called compositional if each member f ∈ F is independent in the second component; it is called autonomous if each member f ∈ F is independent in its first component. We can rephrase the previous theorem as follows. A language is compositional (autonomous) if it has a finite compositional (autonomous) set of generating functions.
Here is a surprising consequence.
Corollary 4 Suppose that L is either many-to-one (=unambiguous) or L is one-to-many. Then L is independently generated.
Proof. Consider the second case, ie assume that L is one-to-many (the other case being dual). Let f : M → E be such that f (j) is the unique i such that (i,j) ∈ L. Define the grammar as in the proof of Theorem 2. Now put
Corollary 5 Let L ⊆ E×M a language such that for some A ⊆ E, B ⊆ M, L∩A×B is a many-to-one or one-to-many relation on A×B containing an infinite partial bijection. Then L is independently generated.
Proof. We generate L ∩ A × B by means of independent partial functions defined on A × B, as shown in Corollary 4. L contains a partial infinite bijection {(ai,bi) : i < ω}. Let L-A×B = {(ei,mi) : i < ω}. Now add a new unary partial function f : A×B → (E-A) × (M -B) with
The notion of independence for languages is not the conjunction of autonomy and compositionality (if it were, all languages would be independent, by Corollary 3); indeed, it is much stronger than that. For it says that the language has an independent grammar, that is, a grammar where every function is independent in both components. This is what we are going to study now.
In using partial functions, here is a trick that will be used on several occasions. Denote by [F]P the closure of F under P. Let A be the disjoint union of B and C. Let P be a set of partial functions on B, and Q a set of partial function on C. Take B0 ⊆ B and C0 ⊆ C. Then [B0 ∪ C0]P∪Q = [B0]P ∪ [C0]Q. To see that notice that functions from P are undefined on every tuple containing elements from C, and functions from Q are undefined on every tuple containing an element from B. Therefore, functions from P cannot act on outputs of functions from Q, and vice versa.
Lemma 6 Let L ⊆ ω2, and ω = E′∪ E′′, with E′ and E′′ disjoint, and let M ⊆ ω. Now put L′ := L∩E′×M, L′′ := L∩E′′×M. Then if both L′ and L′′ are independently generated, so is L ∩ ω × M.
Indeed, simply take the (disjoint) union of the constants and functions. The following two claims are obvious.
Lemma 7 If L is independently generated, so is L⌣ := {(j,i) : (i,j) ∈ L}.
Lemma 8 Let π,ρ : ω → ω be injections. Let (π,ρ)[L] := {(π(e),ρ(m)) : (e,m) ∈ L}. Then (π,ρ)[L] is independently generated iff L is independently generated.
There is a special corollary of this theorem that is worth stating separately. Consider the case where Li = ∅ for certain i. Denote by U := {i : Li ⇔ ∅}. If U is infinite there is a bijection ν : U → ω. Consider the language L∙ := (ν, idM)[L]. We have (L∙)i = Lν(i) ⇔ ∅ for all i ∈ ω.
If U is finite, L is independently generated anyway, by the next theorem.
Lemma 10 Let n be a finite number.
Proof. The first claim is easy. Just introduce a constant for every element of L. The second claim follows immediately. To show the third claim introduce a constant for (0, 0), and two unary functions: one sending (i,j) to (i + 1,j), and one sending (i,j) to (i,j + 1). The fourth claim is proved thus. For each j < n take a constant for (0,j). Finally, add a single unary function sending (i,j) to (i + 1,j). For the last claim, let L = ω × ω -{(ik,jk) : k < n}. Put E0 := {ik : k < n}, E1 := ω - E0; M0 := {jk : j < n}, M1 := ω - M0. Now L ∩ E0 × M0 is finite; L ∩ E0 × M1 = E0 × M1, L ∩ E1 × M0 = E1 × M0, and L ∩ E1 × M1 = E1 × M1. The first is independently generated since it is finite. The others are independently generated because they are a simple product of at most countable sets. Now use Lemma 6. □
Say that L is essentially bounded if L ⊆ n × ω or L ⊆ ω × n.
Lemma 11 Every essentially bounded language is independently generated.
Proof. >From Lemma 10 by repeated application of Lemma 6. □
Next we are going to reduce of the problem even further. Let H ⊆ ω such that for every i ∈ H there is a j ℜ H and Lj = Li. Then put
Proof. Suppose that L-H is independently generated. For j ℜ H put
Thus we can restrict our search for nonindependent languages to those subsets of ω2 where all columns are different and all rows are different.
We are going to investigate three conditions under which languages are independently generated. The second and third conditions both generalise the first, in slightly different directions. Examples will show that the generalisations are proper.
Definition 13 Let L ⊆ ω×ω. Say that L is n-discriminable if there is a family {Ai : i ∈ ω} of sets such that:
In that case, we call the family {Ai : i ∈ ω} an n-discriminating family for L. (Notice that 4. implies 3.)
Notice that by definition, Ai ⊈ Aj for i ⇔ j. For if Ai ⊆ Aj we have Ai ⊆ Aj ⊆ Lj, from which by definition i = j.
Theorem 14 Let L be n-discriminable. Then L is independently generated.
Proof. Let {Ai : i ∈ ω} be a discriminating family for L. Let Ai be a sequence of length n that enumerates Ai, possibly repeating an element to reach length n. (Eg if n = 4 and A2 = {3, 6, 7} then A2 = ⟨3, 6, 7, 7⟩ is a possible choice.) For each member of {(0,i) : i ∈ A0} we introduce a constant. Now we define the following n-ary functions fk, k < n. Let h be the kth member of Ai+1.
![]() | (1) |
Clearly this function is independent: on the first component it gives i + 1 if all arguments are identical to i and is undefined otherwise. On the second component it gives h if the arguments are exactly given as in Ai, and is undefined else. The partiality seems to be essential here.
Now define a single n + 1-ary function g with the following action. For each i we assume Li - Ai to be enumerated as {kji : j < κi} where κi < ω + 1 (so κi can be finite or = ω).
![]() | (2) |
So defined g is independent. On the first coordinate the output is i if all inputs equal i; and is undefined elsewhere. On the second coordinate it yields the next element in the enumeration if there is one (and repeats the element if it is the last in the enumeration), provided the first n arguments equal Ai; and is undefined elsewhere.
It now remains to be shown that this set of functions generates exactly L. There are two parts: (i) the functions generate all of L; (ii) L is closed under the functions.
To prove (i), we shall first show that all {i}× Ai are generated using the fk and the
constants. Recall that all members of {0}× A0 are values of some constant. Now by
induction assume that {i}× Ai is generated. Thus all pairs (i,jp) exist, p < n, where
jp ∈ Ai. Then, using the functions fk, we can generate (i + 1,h), where h is the
kth member of Ai+1. Since all elements of Ai+1 appear at least once in Ai+1, all of
{i + 1}× Ai+1 is thus generated. Next we show that for every i, {i}× Li is generated
from {i}× Ai using the function g. To that end, recall that Li - Ai is enumerated as
k0i, k1i and so on for indices in κi. If κi = 0, nothing needs to be done. If κi > 0,
we get (i,k0i) as the value of g((i,j0), (i,j1),, (i,jn-1), (i,jn-1)), and (i,kp+1i)
as the value of g((i,j0), (i,j1),
, (i,jn-1), (i,kpi)). By induction, all values are
Finally, we need to show that L is closed under the functions. Consider
Corollary 15 Suppose that there exists an n such that for all i ∈ ω |Li| ≤ n. Then L is independently generated.
Proof. By Lemma 12 we can reduce this to the case where for i ⇔ j Li ⇔ Lj. Define I(j) := {i : |Li| = j} and Lj := ∪i∈I(j)Li. By Lemma 6, we need to show only that each of the Lj is independently generated. To this end, it is enough to show that {Lij : i ∈ I(j)} is a j-discriminating family. This is easy to verify. □
As an application, consider the language L = {(i,i), (i,i2) : i ∈ ω}. Here we can simply take Ai := Li. Indeed, this is a 2-discriminating family. For |Ai| ≤ 2, the sets are nonempty, pairwise distinct ({i,i2} = {j,j2} iff i = j), and, finally, if {i,i2} ⊆ Lj then j = i; for if {i,i2} = {j,j2} then either the sets contain both two members, and then since i < i2, j < j2 we have i = j; or they contain one member and then have the form {i} = {j}, from which again i = j. So, by the previous result the language is independently generated.
A more complex example, to which this result cannot be applied, though, is {(i,ik) : i,k ∈ ω}. It is a consequence of the next theorem that this language is independently generated.
Definition 16 Call a language weakly n-discriminable if there is a family {Ai : i ∈ ω} of sets such that
In particular, if Ai ⊆ Aj then we must have Lj ⊆ Li. Clearly, all n-discriminable languages are also weakly n-discriminable, but the converse does not hold, as the example just given shows. For if L is n-discriminable, we must have Li ⊈ Lj for all i ⇔ j. (For if i ⇔ j and Li ⊆ Lj, then since Ai ⊆ Li we also have Ai ⊆ Lj, which is excluded.) But the language {(i,ik) : i,k ∈ ω} fails this: we have L2 ⊆ L4. On the other hand, the family defined by Ai := {i,i2} is a weakly discriminating family. For if Ai ⊆ Lj then i = jp for some p, whence Li = {ik : k ∈ ω} ⊆ {jp : p ∈ ω}. The next theorem establishes that this language is independently generated.
Theorem 17 Let L be weakly n-discriminable. Then L is independently generated.
Proof. Let M := {i : for no j < i: Aj = Ai}. Furthermore, let B(i) = {j : Ai = Aj}. Thus, M consists of all minimal members of the sets B(i). Now let m and n be unary partial functions with the following action. m(j) is undefined if j is maximal in M, and otherwise it is m(j) := min{k : k ∈ M,j < k}. n(j) is undefined if j is maximal in B(j), and n(j) := min{k : k ∈ B(j),k > j} otherwise.
We need three sets of functions in addition to constants for the members of {0}× A0. The first contains the functions fk, k < n. Define the sequences Ai as above, with the exception that we require Ai = Aj if B(i) = B(j) (that is, if Ai = Aj).
![]() | (3) |
The second set consists of the hk, k < n.
![]() | (4) |
Finally, we define the function g as above:
![]() | (5) |
These functions are independent.
Again, we need to show that (i) L is generated from the functions, and (ii) L is closed under these functions. As for (i), we note that by definition, we can generate all Ai where i ∈ M from {0}× A0. Next, we can generate the {j}× Aj for all j ∈ B(j) just by applying the hk, since we have generated its minimal members. Third, by using g we generate the columns Li.
Now we show that L is also closed under the functions. Consider
Finally, we need to show that L is closed under g. Consider
Definition 18 Call L boundedly discriminable if there are numbers n and n′, an infinite set M ⊆ ω and a family {Ai : i ∈ M} of sets such that the following holds:
Every n-discriminable language is boundedly discriminable; just take M := ω. The sets B(i) each have only one member in this case, so n′ := 1.
Actually, it follows that for each i,j ∈ M, i ⇔ j, Ai ⇔ Aj. For if i,j ∈ M and i ⇔ j, the last clause implies j ℜ B(i), that is, Aj ⊈ Lj, so that Aj ⇔ Ai, since Ai ⊆ Li.
Notice that allowing M to be finite would not gain anything, as then the set of indices would be finite, bounded by some multiple of |M|. So the only remaining interesting case is where M is infinite. Moreover, we could assume n = n′ to simplify the definition.
Theorem 19 Suppose that L is boundedly discriminable. Then L is independently generated.
Proof. Without loss of generality we may assume that all the i ∈ M are minimal in B(i); in particular, the least element of B(0) is 0 ∈ M. If i ℜ M let j < i be the least element of B(i). Then j ∈ M and we put Aj := Ai.
First we introduce constants for {0}×A0. Next we introduce functions fk and hk, k < n, as in the previous proof. Finally, for k < n′, let zk be an n + 1-ary function, defined similar to g above. Let P(i,k) be the statement: i is the kth number in B(i). As before, order the elements of Li - Ai for each i ∈ ω, and align the elements of Ai in a sequence kji of length n.
![]() | (6) |
It remains that to show that (i) the functions generate L, (ii) L is closed under these functions. (i) is reasonably clear. We generate Ai, i ∈ M, using the functions fk, and then all the Ai using the gk as in the previous proof. Finally, the zk allow to generate all of Li for P(i,k). Since for each number i there is a k < n′ such that P(i,k), we generate Li from Ai using zk essentially as we used g. Now on to (ii). Closure under fk. Consider
The method has so far been to enumerate L by going through the Li in increasing order. The
interest in this method stems from using grammars to generate languages. We think of a
grammar as producing complex expressions from less complex expressions. In that sense, a
formation step produces a strictly more complex expression. Consider now an ordering of the
E of expressions in increasing complexity. Extend this to a linear order, and number the
expressions with natural numbers. We expect now that the meaning of expression j is
produced from some of the expressions 0, 1,j - 1. This way of generating expressions is
called progressive.
Definition 20 Let f be a partial n-ary function on ω. A point of progressivity is a
vector such that f (
) > max 1≤i≤nxi (henceforth simply written max
). A point of
stagnation is a vector
such that f (
) = max
. A point of regression is a vector
such that f (
) < max
. f is called strictly progressive if it has no points of stagnation
or regression. f is weakly progressive if it has no points of regression. Finally, a set of
functions is strictly or weakly progressive if all its members are.
We extend this now to functions on ω2 as follows. If f is an independent function on ω2 then it
has the form (f1( ),f2(
)). We say that f is (strictly, weakly) progressive if f1
The functions in the previous proofs have generally been weakly progressive. The following theorem shows why we cannot strengthen this to strongly progressive functions.
Theorem 21 There is a L ⊆ ω2 which cannot be generated by a finite strictly progressive set of independent partial functions.
Proof. Suppose that F is a finite set of strictly progressive independent partial functions. Let γ be the cardinality of F, and ζ the maximal arity of these functions. We may wlog assume that γ = ζ. Then by progressivity, a member from Li is obtained by applying a function to the members of ⋃ j<iLj. If their number is bounded by ki, then there are at most ζkiζ elements. Thus, choose the following sequence of numbers.
We have shown that all countable languages are compositional and autonomous. Moreover, some results have been obtained concerning languages that are independently generated. However, it is open whether all countable languages are independently generated. It is also unclear whether or not allowing partial functions rather than total functions makes a difference.
The conjecture is that there exist nonindependent countable languages. However, no example has been found.
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