Do multi-sense embeddings learn more senses?
An evaluation in linear translation

Márton Makrai, Veronika Lipp
Institute for Linguistics
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
{ makrai.marton, lipp.veronika}

* Veronika Lipp’s contribution is Section 1.1

We analyze whether different sense vectors of the same word form in multi-sense word embeddings correspond to different concepts. On the more technical side of embedding-based dictionary induction, we also test whether the orthogonality constraint and related vector preprocessing techniques help in reverse nearest neighbor search. Both questions receive a negative answer.

Word sense induction (WSI) is the task of discovering senses of words without supervision (Schütze1998). Recent approaches include multi-sense word embeddings (MSEs), i.e. vector space models of word distribution with more vectors for ambiguous words. In MSEs, each vector is supposed to correspond to a different word sense, but in practice models frequently have different sense vectors for the same word form without an interpretable difference in meaning.

In Borbély et al. (2016), we proposed a cross-lingual method for the evaluation of sense resolution in MSEs. The method is based on the principle that words may be ambiguous to the extent to which their postulated senses translate to different words in some other language. For the translation of words, we applied the method by Mikolov et al. (2013b) who train a translation mapping from the source language embedding to the target as a least-squares regression supervised by a seed dictionary of the few thousand most frequent words. The translation of a source word vector is the nearest neighbor of its image by the mapping in the target space. In the multi-sense setting, we have translated from MSEs. (The target embedding remained single-sense.)

Section 1 discusses our linguistic motivation; and Section 2 introduces MSEs. In Section 3, we elaborate on the cross-lingual evaluation. Part of the evaluation task is to decide on empirical grounds whether different good translations of a word are synonyms or translations in different senses. Reverse nearest neighbor search, the orthogonality constraint on the translation mapping, and related techniques are also discussed. Section 4 offers experimental results with quantitative and qualitative analysis. It should be noted that our evaluation is not very strict, but rather a process of looking for something conceptually meaningful in present-day unsupervised MSE models.1

1 Towards a less delicious inventory

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Figure 1: Linear translation of word senses. The Hungarian word finom is ambiguous between ‘fine’ and ‘delicious’.

We emphasize that our evaluation proposal probes an aspect of MSEs, semantic resolution, which is not well measured by the well-known word sense disambiguation (WSD) task that aims at classifying occurrences of a word form to different elements of a sense inventory pre-defined by some experts. Our goal in WSI is to probe the granularity of the inventory itself. The differentiation of word senses, as already noted in Borbély et al. (2016), is fraught with difficulties, especially when we wish to distinguish homophony, i.e. using the same written or spoken form to express different concepts, such as Russian mir ‘world’ and mir ‘peace’ from polysemy, where speakers feel that the two senses are very strongly connected, such as in Hungarian nap ‘day’ and nap ‘sun’.

The goal of WSI can be set at two levels. We may more modestly aim to distinguish homophony from polysemy. Ideally, we could even differentiate between metonymy and metaphor, two subtypes of polysemy, discussed in more detail by Veronika Lipp in the next section.

1.1 Lexicographic Background
(Veronika Lipp)

Lexical ambiguity is linguistically subdivided into two main categories: homonymy and polysemy (Cruse2004). Homonymous words have semantically unrelated and mutually incompatible meanings, such as punch1 , which means ‘a blow with a fist’, and punch2, which means ‘a drink’. Some have described such homonymous word meanings as essentially distinct words that accidentally have the same phonology (Murphy2002). Polysemous words, on the other hand, have semantically related or overlapping senses (Cruse2004Jackendoff2002Pustejovsky1995), such as mouth meaning both ‘organ of body’ and ‘entrance of cave’.

Two criteria have been proposed for the distinction between homonymy and polysemy. The first criterion has to do with the etymological derivation of words. Words that are historically derived from distinct lexical items are taken to be homonymous. However, the etymological criterion is not always decisive. One reason is that there are many words whose historical derivation is uncertain. Another reason is that it is not always very clear how far back we should go in tracing the history of words (Lyons1977).

The second criterion for the distinction between homonymy and polysemy has to do with the relatedness/unrelatedness of meaning. The distinction between homonymy and polysemy seems to correlate with the native speaker’s feeling that certain meanings are connected and that others are not. Generally, unrelatedness in meaning points to homonymy, whereas relatedness in meaning points to polysemy. However, in a large number of cases, there does not seem to be an agreement among native speakers as to whether the meanings of the words are related. So, it seems that there is not a clear dichotomy between homonymy and polysemy, but rather a continuum from ‘‘pure’’ homonymy to ‘‘pure’’ polysemy (Lyons1977).

Most discussions about lexical ambiguity, within theoretical and computational linguistics, concentrate on polysemy, which can be further divided into two types (Apresjan1974Pustejovsky1995). The first type of polysemy is motivated by metaphor (irregular polysemy). In metaphorical polysemy, a relation of analogy is assumed to hold between the senses of the word. The basic sense of metaphorical polysemy is literal, whereas its secondary sense is figurative. For example, the ambiguous word eye has the literal basic sense ‘organ of the body’ and the figurative secondary sense ‘hole in a needle.’ The other type of polysemy is motivated by metonymy (regular polysemy). In metonymy, the relation that is assumed to hold between the senses of the word is that of contiguity or connectedness. In metonymic polysemy, both the basic and the secondary senses are literal. For example, the ambiguous word chicken has the literal basic sense referring to the animal and the literal secondary sense of the meat of that animal.

2 Multi-sense word embeddings

Vector-space language models with more vectors for each meaning of a word originate from Reisinger and Mooney (2010). Huang et al. (2012) trained the first neural-network-based MSE. Both works use a uniform number of clusters for all words that they select before training as potentially ambiguous. The first system with adaptive sense numbers and an effective open-source implementation is a modification of skip-gram Mikolov et al. (2013c), multi-sense skip-gram by Neelakantan et al. (2014), where new senses are introduced during training by thresholding the similarity of the present context to earlier contexts.

Bartunov et al. (2016) and Li and Jurafsky (2015) improve upon the heuristic thresholding by formulating text generation as a Dirichlet process. In AdaGram (Bartunov et al.2016), senses may be merged as well as allocated during training. mutli-sense skip-gram2 (Li and Jurafsky2015) applies the Chinese restaurant process formalization of the Dirichlet process. Both AdaGram and mutli have a parameter for semantics resolution (more or less senses): α and γ, respectively.

MSEs are still in the research phase: Li and Jurafsky (2015) demonstrate that, when meta-parameters are carefully controlled for, MSEs introduce a slight performance boost in semantics-related tasks (semantic similarity for words and sentences, semantic relation identification, part-of-speech tagging), but similar improvements can also be achieved by simply increasing the dimension of a single-sense embedding.

3 Linear translation from MSEs

Mikolov et al. (2013b) discovered that embeddings of different languages are so similar that a linear transformation can map vectors of the source language words to the vectors of their translations.

The method uses a seed dictionary of a few thousand words to learn translation as a linear mapping W : d1 d2 from the source (monolingual) embedding to the target: the translation zi d2 of a source word xi d1 is approximately its image Wxi by the mapping. The translation model is trained with linear regression on the seed dictionary

min    ||W xi - zi||2
 W   i

and can be used to collect translations for the whole vocabulary by choosing zi to be the nearest neighbor (NN) of Wxi. We follow Mikolov et al. (2013b) in (i) using different metrics, Euclidean distance in training and cosine similarity in collection of translations, and in (ii) training the source model with approximately three times greater dimension than that of the target embedding.

In a multi-sense embedding scenario, Borbély et al. (2016) take an MSE as the source model, and a single-sense embedding as target. The quality of the translation has been measured by training on the most frequent 5k word pairs and evaluating on another 1k seed pairs.

3.1 Reverse nearest neighbor search

A common problem when looking for nearest neighbors in high-dimensional spaces (Radovanović et al.2010Suzuki et al.2013Tomašev and Mladenic2013), and especially in embedding-based dictionary induction (Dinu et al.2015Lazaridou et al.2015) is when there are hubs, data points (target words) returned as the NN (translation) of many points (Wxs), resulting in incorrect hits (translations) in most of the cases. Dinu et al. (2015) attack the problem with a method they call global correction. Here, instead of the original NN, which we will call forward NN search to contrast with the more sophisticated method, they first rank source words by their similarity to target words. In reverse nearest neighbor (rNN) search, source words are translated to the target words to which they have the lowest (forward) NN rank.3

In reverse NN search, we restricted the vocabulary to the some tens of thousands of the most frequent words. We introduced this restriction for memory saving, because the |V sr|×|V tg| similarity matrix has to be sorted column-wise for forward and row-wise for reverse ranking, so at some point of the computation we keep the whole integer matrix of forward NN ranks in memory. It turned out that the restriction makes the results better: a vocabulary cutoff of 215 = 32768 both on the source and the target size yields slightly better results (74.3%) than the more ambitious 216 = 65536 (73.9%). This is not the case for forward NN search, where accuracy increases with vocabulary limit (but remains far below that of reverse NN).

3.2 Orthogonal restriction and other tricks

Xing et al. (2015) note that the original linear translation method is theoretically inconsistent due to its being based on three different similarity measures: word2vec itself uses the dot-product of unnormalized vectors, the translation is trained based on Euclidean distance, and neighbors are queried based on cosine similarity. They make the framework more coherent by length-normalizing the embeddings, and restricting W to preserve vector length: their matrix W is orthogonal, i.e. the mapping is a rotation. Faruqui and Dyer (2014) achieve even better results by mapping the two embeddings to a lower-dimensional bilingual space with canonical correlation analysis. Artetxe et al. (2016) analyze elements of these two works both theoretically and empirically, and find a combination that improves upon dictionary generation and also preserves analogies (Mikolov et al.2013d) like

woman   + king - man  ≈  queen

among the mapped points Wxi. They find that the orthogonality constraint is key to preserve performance in analogies, and it also improves bilingual performance. In their experiments, length normalization, when followed by centering the embeddings to 0 mean, obtains further improvements in bilingual performance without hurting monolingual performance.

4 Experiments

4.1 Data

We trained neela, AdaGram and mutli models on (original and stemmed forms of) two semi-gigaword (.7–.8 B words) Hungarian corpora, the Hungarian Webcorpus (Webkorpusz, Halácsy et al. (2004)) and (the non-social-media part of) the Hungarian National Corpus (HNC, Oravecz et al. (2014)). We used Wiktionary as our seed dictionary, extracted with wikt2dict4 (Ács et al.2013). We tried several English embeddings as target, including the 300 dimensional skip-gram with negative sampling model GoogleNews released with word2vec (Mikolov et al.2013a)5 , and those released with GloVe (Pennington et al.2014)6 .

4.2 Orthogonal constraint

We implemented the orthogonal restriction by computing the singular value decomposition

U ΣV  = St⊤Tt

where St and Tt are the matrices consisting of the embedding vectors of the training word pairs in the source and the target space respectively, and taking

W  = U 1V

where 1 is the rectangular identity matrix of appropriate shape.

general linear
general linear
general linear
any disamb any disamb any disamb any disamb any disamb any disamb

vanilla 28.7% 2.40% 32.1% 2.40% 36.2% 3.40% 42.0% 4.70% 36.7% 4.20% 44.5% 6.00%
normalize28.2% 2.20% 33.7%3.40% 35.1% 2.80% 44.4%5.80% 36.6% 3.80% 48.2%6.00%
+ center 26.6% 2.10% 32.8% 2.90% 32.9% 2.70% 42.0% 4.50% 34.6% 3.50% 43.9% 5.50%

vanilla 53.8%11.85%51.7% 11.37%58.3%11.99%56.6% 12.59%74.3%23.60%73.6% 22.30%
normalize53.3% 11.61%50.0% 10.90%58.0% 12.35%56.5% 12.59%73.7% 24.20%72.8% 22.10%
+ center 51.7% 11.37%53.3% 11.14%57.1% 11.99%57.7% 12.35%69.7% 22.20%73.5% 23.00%

Table 1: Precision@10 of forward and reverse NN translations with and without the orthogonality constraint and related techniques at vocabulary cutoffs 8192 to 32768. any and disamb are explained in Section 4.3. The source has been an AdaGram model in 800 dimensions, α = .1, trained on Webkorpusz with the vocabulary cut off at 8192 sense vectors.

Table 1 shows the effect of these factors. Precision in forward NN search follows a similar trend to that in Xing et al. (2015) and Artetxe (2016): the best combination is an orthogonal mapping between length-normalized vectors; however, centering did not help in our experiments. Reverse NNs yield much better results than the simpler method, but none of the orthogonality-related techniques give further improvement here. The cause of reverse NN’s apparent insensitivity to length may be the topic of further research.

4.3 Results

We evaluate MSE models in two ways, referred to as any and disamb. The method any has been used for tuning the (meta)parameters of the source embedding and to choose the target: a traditional, single-sense translation has been trained between the first sense vector of each word form and its translations. (If the training word is ambiguous in the seed dictionary, all translations have been included in the training data.) Exploiting the multiple sense vectors, one word can have more than one translation. During the test, a source word was accepted if any of its sense vectors had at least one good translation among its k reverse nearest neighbors (rNN@k). Table 2 shows results by the best models7 .

dimα∕γp m any disamb

HNC 800 .02 10048.5% 7.6%
neela Wk300 2big54.0%12.4%
HNC stem 800 .05 big55.1% 10.4%
HNC 160 .05 320062.2% 15.0%
mutli Wk300 .25 71 62.9% 17.4%
Webkorpusz800 .05 10065.9% 17.4%
HNC 600 .05 510068.6% 16.6%
HNC 600 .1 3 50 69.1% 18.8%
Webkorpusz800 .1 10073.9% 23.9%

Table 2: Precision @10 of any reverse NN and the number of word forms with non-synonymic vectors (disamb). The source embedding has been trained with AdaGram, except for when indicated otherwise (neela, mutli). The meta-parameters are dimension, the resolution parameter (α in AdaGram and γ in mutli), the maximum number of prototypes (sense vectors), and the vocabulary cutoff (min-freq, the two models with big have practically no cut-off).

In disamb, we used the same translation matrix as in any, and inspected the translations of the different sense vectors to see whether the vectors really model different senses rather than synonyms. The lowest requirement for the non-synonymy of sense vectors s1,s2 is that the sets of corresponding good rNN@k translations are different. The ratio of words satisfying this requirement among all words with more than one sense vector is shown as disamb in Table 2. The values are low.

s covg

E -0.04849függő addict, aerial 0.4
S 0.01821 alkotó constituent, creator 0.5
S 0.05096 előzetes preliminary, trailer 1.0
S 0.0974 kapcsolat affair, conjunction, linkage 0.33
I 0.1361 kocsi coach, carriage 1.0
S 0.136 futó runner, bishop 1.0
S 0.1518 keresés quest, scan 0.67
S 0.1574 látvány outlook, scenery, prospect 0.6
S 0.1626 fogad bet, greet 1.0
S 0.1873 induló march, candidate 1.0
I 0.187 nemes noble, peer 0.67
E 0.1934 eltérés variance, departure 0.4
E 0.1943 alkalmazás employ, adaptation 0.33
S 0.2016 szünet interval, cease, recess 0.43
E 0.2032 kezdeményezés initiation, initiative 1.0
S 0.2052 zavar disturbance, annoy, disturb, turmoil 0.57
S 0.2054 megelőző preceding, preventive 0.29
IE 0.2169 csomó knotI, lumpI, matE 1.0
E8 0.21 remény outlook, promise, expectancy 0.6
S 0.2206 bemutató exhibition, presenter 0.67
E 0.2208 egyeztetés reconciliation, correlation 0.5
S 0.237 előadó auditorium, lecturer 0.67
E 0.2447 nyilatkozat profession, declaration 0.4
I 0.2494 gazda farmer, boss 0.67
I 0.2506 kapu gate, portal 1.0
I 0.2515 előbbi anterior, preceding 0.67
I 0.2558 kötelezettség engagement, obligation 0.67
E 0.265 hangulat morale, humour 0.5
E 0.2733 követ succeed, haunt 0.67
SE0.276 minta normS, formulaE, specimenS 0.75
S 0.2807 sorozat suite, serial, succession 1.0
S 0.2935 durva coarse, gross 0.18
I 0.3038 köt bind, tie 0.67
E 0.3045 egyezmény treaty, protocol 0.67
I 0.3097 megkülönböztetésdiscrimination, differentiation 0.5
I 0.309 ered stem, originate 0.5
I 0.319 hirdet advertise, proclaim 1.0
E 0.3212 tartós substantial, durable 1.0
I 0.3218 ajánlattevő bidder, supplier, contractor 0.6
I 0.3299 aláírás signing, signature 0.67
I 0.333 bír bear, possess 1.0
I 0.3432 áldozat sacrifice, victim, casualty 1.0
IE 0.3486 kerület wardI, boroughI, perimeterE 0.3
I 0.3486 utas fare, passenger 1.0
I 0.3564 szigorú stern, strict 0.5
I 0.3589 bűnös sinful, guilty 0.5
I 0.3708 rendes orderly, ordinary 0.5
I 0.3824 eladó salesman, vendor 0.5
I 0.3861 enyhe tender, mild, slight 0.6
I 0.3897 maradék residue, remainder 0.33
I 0.3986 darab chunk, fragment 0.4
E 0.4012 hiány poverty, shortage 0.5
I 0.4093 kutatás exploration, quest 0.5
I 0.4138 tanítás tuition, lesson 0.67
I 0.4196 őszinte frank, sincere 0.67
I 0.4229 környék neighborhood, surroundings, vicinity0.38
I 0.4446 ítélet judgement, sentence 0.67
I 0.4501 gyerek childish, kid 0.67
I 0.4521 csatorna ditch, sewer 0.4
I 0.4547 felügyelet surveillance, inspection, supervision 0.43
E 0.4551 ritka rare, odd 0.5
S 0.4563 szerető fond, lover, affectionate, mistress 0.67
I 0.4608 szeretet affection, liking 0.67
I 0.4723 vizsgálat inquiry, examination 0.67
I 0.4853 tömeg mob, crowd 0.5
I 0.4903 puszta pure, plain 0.22
I 0.4904 srác kid, lad 1.0
I 0.4911 büntetés penalty, sentence 0.29
I 0.4971 képviselő delegate, representative 0.67
I 0.4975 határ boundary, border 0.67
I 0.5001 drága precious, dear, expensive 1.0
S 0.5093 uralkodó prince, ruler, sovereign 0.5
I 0.5097 válás separation, divorce 0.67
I 0.5103 ügyvéd lawyer, advocate 0.67
I 0.5167 előnyös advantageous, profitable, favourable 1.0
I 0.5169 merev rigid, strict 1.0
I 0.5204 nyíltan openly, outright 1.0
I 0.5217 noha notwithstanding, albeit 1.0
I 0.5311 hulladék litter, garbage, rubbish 0.43
I 0.5311 szemét litter, garbage, rubbish 0.43
I 0.5612 kielégítő satisfying, satisfactory 1.0
E 0.5617 vicc joke, humour 1.0
I 0.5737 szállító supplier, vendor 1.0
I 0.5747 óvoda nursery, daycare, kindergarten 1.0
I 0.5754 hétköznapi mundane, everyday, ordinary 0.75
I 0.5797 anya mum, mummy 1.0
I 0.5824 szomszédos neighbouring, neighbour 0.4
E 0.5931 szabadság liberty, independence 1.0
I 0.6086 lelkész pastor, priest 0.4
I 0.6304 fogalom notion, conception 1.0
I 0.6474 fizetés salary, wage 0.67
I 0.6551 táj landscape, scenery 1.0
I 0.6583 okos clever, smart 0.67
I 0.6707 autópálya highway, motorway 0.5
I 0.6722 tilos prohibited, forbidden 1.0
I 0.6811 bevezető introduction, introductory 1.0
I 0.7025 szövetség coalition, alliance, union 0.75
I 0.7065 fáradt exhausted, tired, weary 1.0
I 0.7066 kiállítás exhibit, exhibition 0.67
I 0.7135 hirdetés advert, advertisement 1.0
I 0.7147 ésszerű rational, logical 1.0
I 0.7664 logikai logic, logical 1.0
I 0.7757 szervez organise, organize, arrange 1.0
I 0.8122 furcsa strange, odd 0.4
I 0.8277 azután afterwards, afterward 0.67
I 0.8689 megbízható dependable, reliable 0.67

Table 3: Hungarian words with the rNN@1 translations of their sense vectors. The first column is a post-hoc annotation by András Kornai (E error in translation, I identical, S separate meanings), s is the cosine similarity of the translations, and covg denotes the coverage of the @1 translations over all gold (good) translations.

7 The basic translations hope is missing

Table 3 shows the successfully disambiguated words sorted by the cosine similarity s of good rNN@1 translations of different sense vectors. (We found that most of the few cases when there are more than two sense vectors with a good rNN@1 translation are due to the fact that the seed dictionary contains some non-basic translation, e.g. kapcsolat ‘relationship, conjunction’ has ‘affair’ among its seed translations. In these cases, we chose two sense vectors arbitrarily.) Relying on s is similar to the monolingual setting of clustering the sense vectors for each word, but here we restrict our analysis to sense vectors that prove to be sensible in linear translation.

We see that most words with s < .25 are really ambiguous from a standard lexicographic point of view, but the translations with s > .35 tend to be synonyms instead.

4.4 Part of speech

The clearest case of homonymy is when unrelated senses belong to different parts of speech (POSs), and the translations reflect these POSs, e.g. nő ‘woman; increase’ or vár ‘wait; castle’.9 In purely semantic approaches, like 4lang (Kornaiin pressKornai et al.2015), POS-difference alone is not enough for analyzing a word as ambiguous, e.g. we see the only difference between the noun and participle senses of alkalmazott, ‘employee; applied’ as employment being the application of people for work; in the case of belső ‘internal; interior’, the noun refers to the part of a building described by the adjective.

More interesting are word forms with related senses in the same POS, e.g. cikk, ‘item; article’ (an article is an item in a newspaper); eredmény, ‘score; result’ (a score is a result measured by a number); magas, ‘tall; high’ (tall is used for people rather than high); or idegen, ‘strange, alien; foreign’, where the English translations are special cases of ‘unfamiliar’ (person versus language).

5 Acknowledgments

1957 was an influential year in linguistics: Harris (1957) developed the frequency-aware variant of the distributional method, Osgood et al. (1957) pioneered vector space models, and the author of a more recent conceptual meaning representation framework (Kornai2010in press) was born. Fifty years later (more precisely in fall 2006) I met András during a class he taught on the book he was writing (Kornai2007). I heard about deep cases and karakas sooner than I did about thematic roles. He has since taught me computational linguistics and mathematical linguistics in a master and disciple fashion.

Laozi says that a good leader does not leave a footprint, and András encouraged us to be independent and effective. One of his remarkable citations is that “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission”. The proverb is sometimes attributed to the Jesuits, who are similar to András in having had a great impact on what I’ve become in the past ten years. The real source of the proverb is Grace Hopper, a US navy admiral who invented the first compiler. This paper is a step in my learning to be so effective as the sources mentioned above.

András Kornai, besides the work already acknowledged, rated each item in Table 3. I would like to thank the anonymous reviewer for detailed critique, both substantial and linguistic, Mátyás Lagos for reviewing language errors, and Gábor Recski and Bálint Sass for their useful comments. The orthogonal approximation was implemented following a code10 by Gábor Borbély.


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