Computational prosodic
typology and its application to understudied languages
Uwe Reichel & Katalin Mády, RIL HAS
Prosodic categories such as rhythm (syllable- vs. stress-timed), headedness
(left vs. right) or the presence or absence of certain phrase levels (e.g.
accentual phrase) have often been subject to discussion, especially in languages
that do not represent typical cases of these categories. In this paper, we
attempt to describe the above-mentioned categories by a set of prosodic
features, based on well-studied languages such as Hungarian, English, French,
and German. For this, numerous pitch, energy and rhythm features based on
computational prosody stylization were tested for their appropriateness to
distinguish between languages. We created prosodic typology profiles from these
features, for which we will give phonetic interpretations. We further trained
and tested random forest classifiers on the prosodically categorized data in
order to obtain a proof of concept to apply this classification on prosodically
understudied languages, namely Estonian and Slovak.