Research Institute for Linguistics

  Department of Language Technology

[Magyar változat]

Cross-Language Access to Catalogues and On-line Libraries


The aim of CACAO is to provide an infrastructure to the end-user that enables him/her to type queries in his/her own language and retrieve documents and objects in any available language. The sound integration of CACAO's infrastructure designed for multilingual purposes with current digital library and catalogue systems will be reached by coupling natural language processing techniques with existing information retrieval systems. CACAO will deliver tools for the maintenance of multilingual resources in the retrieval context..

Visit the official website of the project :

Here is a first overview presentation of the CACAO project.

The public deliverables of the project CACAO can be downloaded here.

Funded by the European Union


  • Xerox Research Center Europe - France
  • The Kórnik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Poland
  • Gonetwork srl - Internet solutions - Italy
  • National Széchényi Library (NIS) - Hungary
  • Cité des Sciences - France
  • SUB Goettingen University Library - Germany
  • Free University of Bozen - Italy
  • AHungarian Accademy of Sciences Research institute for linguistic - Hungary (RIL) - Unghery
  • CELI Language Information Technology - Italy
Department of Language TechnologyProjektek
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