Guide for preparing an abstract

magyar változat


Deadline for submitting an abstract: December 7 December 14, 2018

Application form: HUNGARIAN, ENGLISH


If you want to give a presentation, please upload your abstract to EasyChair.


The type and language of the presentation

The planned presentation is to report on a completed study, in Hungarian (or in English, if the presenter's mother tongue is not Hungarian).


The title of the presentation should

reflect the contents of the presentation

be expressive and transparent

not extend 7 words.


Stylistic and content requirements of the abstract:

Your abstract should consist of an Introduction (theoretical background, main questions, goals, hypotheses), Methods, Results and discussion, and Conclusion. The Conference Committee evaluates the abstract considering these parts and also the stylistic values (style, adequacy to the genre of research abstracts), therefore we kindly ask you to take care about these when writing it.