Out of the ten objectives of a sociolinguistic interview listed in Labov (1984), the following four are to be realized primarily through guided conversations:
In order to gain optimum quality recordings, small sized lavalier microphones should be used, clipped to the informant's garment. This may serve to eliminate microphone fright but it has the drawback that the speech of the field worker may become too low or inaudible. Therefore, when making a test recording the field worker should take up a position that is not disturbingly close to the informant yet their voice should be audible on the tape.
Group sessions can only be recorded with a desktop microphone. Here two strategies should be followed: (1) If the field worker cannot leave the scene of the conversation, s/he should strive to keep a low profile. S/he should speak to the informants from an equal footing, but should withdraw from the conversation whenever possible. (2) Following Löfström (1982) the field worker should try to leave the scene of the conversation. Owing to the higher level of shared knowledge between informants, this ploy will yield conversation that may prove ``too intimate'' for the field workers, in other words they will be unable to interpret every word, phrase or conversation topic during the transcription. At the same time, the absence of the field worker may reduce the observer effect.
As a general rule the field worker should go through the network of conversational modules but should try to leave the scene either in the middle or towards the end of the conversation. If another member of the family or a neighbour drops in on a tête-á-tête conversation, the new person should also be involved in it. It is not desirable, however, that this newcomer should take over the role of the informant. Whenever there is such a danger, the informant should be given back the turn with a question like ``And what do you think about this?''
An unexpected telephone call in the course of an interview provides an opportunity to record speech outside the framework of the interview in a non-surreptitious way. In such cases the field worker should encourage the informant to answer the phone and whenever there is a chance for a longer conversation he/she should try to leave the room by asking to go to the lavatory (but without stopping the tape recorder).
It is a point of fundamental principle that the field worker should not act from a position of authority but rather as a helpful inquirer who knows less about the local way of life, customs, problems and language. Information should go from informant to field worker and not vice versa (Labov 1984).
It may easily happen that the field worker may inadvertently raise a question that makes the informant stunned or outraged. In such a case the field worker should skilfully slip into another conversational topic. It must be made clear to the informants right at the beginning of the interview that whenever they are asked a question that they do not wish to answer, they should feel free to do so by simply indicating clearly to the field worker that they do not want to give an answer to the particular question. For example: if early on in the interview, perhaps in the demographic module, it turns out that the informant is (recently) divorced, it is quite understandable if s/he refuses to answer questions relating to his/her family life. However, if on the contrary, s/he suddenly opens up and starts to smear his/her divorced spouse, s/he should be encouraged to talk as long as possible.
Conversation modules are a group of questions related to the same topic e.g. child rearing, one's purpose in life etc. (Labov 1984:33).
When engaged in modules one should pay particular attention to the use of colloquial style, the use of any feature that may be considered formal should be avoided.
The precise wording of the question is extremely important. The field worker should by no means resort to improvisation. Some of the questions are marked with two asterisks, meaning they should be put word by word without the slightest alteration. As for the rest of the questions, the field worker should try to say them in the shortest possible form. According to Labov (op. cit. 34) good module questions need not take more than 5 seconds to ask. This brevity can be acquired but at the expense of practice - it is a skill that will never come "of its own".
The modules can be arranged into a network, but there is no prescribed sequential order. The field worker should start the conversation with the least personal questions like e.g. How long have you been living here? and progress gradually towards more and more intimate topics (e.g. religion). The transition from one module to the other should be as smooth as possible (cf. tangential shifts, Labov 1984:37 ff). If the informant shows interest in a topic, it is desirable to return to it later on.