
Plenary talks:

Farrell ACKERMAN: Construction-theoretic morphology: Words and paradigms in Kordofanian

Dunstan BROWN: Combining formal and frequency based approches to morphology

Bernhard WÄLCHLI: New developments in morphological typology

Oral presentations:

Anna ANASTASSIADIS-SYMEONIDIS & Maria MITSIAKI: Linguistic self-regulation: the case of Greek gender change in progress

Andrei ANTONENKO & Alice C. HARRIS: Morphological structure of Archi pronouns

Sabine ARNDT-LAPPE & Katja BÖER & Ingo PLAG: Semantic distance and semantic transparency as determinants of compound stress assignment in English

Matthew BAERMAN & Greville G. CORBETT: A typology of inflectional class interaction

Sebastian BANK & Jochen TROMMER: Complex scales: modelling the interaction of person and number hierarchies in Karuk verbal agreement

Antonietta BISETTO & Francesca MOSCHIN: Bracketing paradoxes as constructions

James P. BLEVINS: The morphome as a unit of predictive value

Gabriela CABALLERO & Alice C. HARRIS: A working typology of multiple exponence: Cross-linguistic variation and theoretical implications

Basilio Calderone & Chiara Celata: The morphological impact of micro- and macro-phonotactics. Computational and behavioral analysis

Chiara CAPPELLARO: Pronominal overabundance and language use

Greville G. CORBETT & Matthew BAERMAN: “Deep irregularity”: when the expected lexical splits follow the wrong pattern

András Cser: Constraints on prefixation as evidence for the history of Latin <gn>  

Anna Maria DI SCIULLO: Perspectives on morphological complexity

Wolfgang U. DRESSLER & Laura E. LETTNER & Katharina KORECKY-KRÖLL: Acquisition of German diminutive formation and compounding in a comparative perspective: Evidence for typology and the role of frequency

Gertraud FENK-OCZLON: Animacy-related differential object marking in  Bavarian: a frequency-based approach

Bernard FRADIN: Spatial stative constructions and nominalization

Sascha GAGLIA: Realization and deletion of subject clitics in Friulian. Does syncretism matter?

Harry HOWARD: The RMC/OCP as source confusion: morphological parallels to repetition blindness

Tuomas HUUMO & Heete SAHKAI: Between verbs and nouns: aspect and countability in Finnish and Estonian action nominalizations

Stefan KEINE & Johannes HEIN: The geometry of marker inventories

István KENESEI: How many word-classes are there after all?

Sabine LAAHA & Wolfgang U. DRESSLER: Suffix predictability and stem transparency in the acquisition of German noun plurals

Mária LADÁNYI: Rules or schemas in derivation

Wojciech LEWANDOWSKI: The locative alternation and verbal prefixation in Slavic: a constructional view

Eugenio R. LUJÁN: Evidence for the semantic extension Agent > Instrument? Two case-studies in Ancient Greek

Hans Christian LUSCHÜTZKY & Franz RAINER: Instrument and place nouns from a typological and diachronic perspective

Wataru NAKAMURA: Describing inflectional paradigms with no feature decomposition: the case of German

Dániel PAP: Postpositions and case suffixes as verbal particles in Hungarian

Márta PEREDY: Paradigmatic variation in Hungarian in contexts where syntactic and semantic functions are unstable

Angela RALLI & Marios ANDREOU: Exocentricity in compounding:  Evidence from Cypriot Greek

Péter REBRUS & Péter RÁCZ: Complexity and distinctiveness in the possessive allomorphy of Hungarian

Péter REBRUS & Miklós TÖRKENCZY & László KÁLMÁN: Possible and impossible variation

Maria ROSENBERG: Noun incorporation revisited: valency effects and argument promotion

Barbara SCHLÜCKER: Analogical constructions

Alan SCOTT: A cognitive account of the genitive case in present-day Dutch

Andrey Shluinsky: ‘Contrastive series’ in Forest Enets: a case study of recently formed paradigms

Peter SIEMUND: Clitic heavy reflexives? English itself as a marker of middle situation types

Andrea D. SIMS: Probabilistic paradigmatics: Principal parts, predictability and (other) possible pieces of the puzzle

Rajendra SINGH: On morphological continua

Bálint TANOS: Verbal reduplication, verbal plurality and aspect in Sumerian

Anna M. THORNTON: Diachronic paths to reduction and maintenance of overabundacy in Italian verb paradigms

Jochen TROMMER & Eva ZIMMERMANN: Blends as word-templates

Natsuko TSUJIMURA & Stuart DAVIS: Japanese innovative verbs as a morphological construction


Poster presentations

András Márton Baló: Arguments from Lovari loan-verb adaptation for an analogy-based analysis of verbal systems

Bianca Basciano: Two kinds of complex deadjectival verbs in Mandarin Chinese

Valentina Benigni & Francesca Masini: Phrasal lexemes and reduction strategies in Russian

Olivier Bonami & Fabiola Henri: How complex is creole inflectional morphology? The case of Mauritian

Susanne BORGWALDT & Dina LÜTTENBERG: Semantic transparency of noun-noun compounds in native and non-native speakers

Marika Butskhrikidze: Word-phonotactics: domains and principles

Vincenzo Faraoni & Francesco Gardani: The third gender of Old Italian

Giorgio Francesco ARCODIA: Headedness and constructions in Mandarin prefixed words

Adriana Rosalina Galván Torres: The multidimensionality of gender in the bilingual mental lexicon

Francesco Gardani: Dynamics of inflectional productivity

Seo-Kyoung Hwang & Elena Rudnitskaya: Approximation markers in Korean: classifier construction

Heiki-Jaan Kaalep: Implicational structure of the Estonian nominal paradigm

Nikos Koutsoukos & Maria Pavlakou: A construction morphology account of Agent nouns in Modern Greek

Lior Laks: Lexical and syntactic passivization: morphological evidence from Arabic

Dimitra Melissaropoulou: Analogical leveling as optimization: Evidence from Greek dialectal variation

Akiko Nagano & Masaharu Shimada: On the category-changing prefixation in English

Sonia Rocha: Deriving word internal negation. Antonymic pairs in Brazilian Portuguese

Enrique SANTOS MARINAS: Agent suffixes in names of profession in Old Church Slavonic

Carmen Scherer: Analyzing morphological structure – Nonstandard word spelling in German

Saskia Schuster: Constructions and historical linguistics

Andrey Shluinsky: ‘Contrastive series’ in Forest Enets: a case study of recently formed paradigms

Marko Simonović: Lexeme formation, morphological parsing and constituency in loanword adaptation – A case study from Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian

Anna Sőrés: New parameters to set Romance languages in morphological typology. Evidence from French

Pavel ŠTICHAUER & Petr ČERMÁK: Morphological typology in a contrastive setting:causative constructions in Spanish and Italian and their equivalents in Czech (a parallel corpus-based study)

Anita Szakay & Gunnar Ólafur Hansson: A probabilistic approach to Hungarian paradigm gaps

Kristel Van Goethem: From adjective to affix in Dutch and French


Pius ten Hacken: Meaning and lexicalization of word formation

Fabio Montermini, Olivier Bonami & Gilles Boyé: Stems in inflection and lexeme formation

Seppo Kittilä and Anne Tamm: Uralic Case