Deadline for
submitting an abstract: 2 December 9
December, 2016
Application form:
If you want to keep a presentation, please upload your abstract to EasyChair.
Topics for presentations
The topic of a presentation should belong to a field of applied linguistics:
- applied speech research
- bilingualism
- communication studies
- contrastive linguistics
- corpus linguistics, speech technology
- first and second language acquisition and language pedagogy
- Hungarian as a second language
- inter-cultural communication and language use in the EU
- internet use in foreign language teaching
- language pedagogy
- language politics
- lexicology and lexicography
- psycholinguistics
- sociolinguistics
- terminology
- terminology and communication
- text linguistics, discourse analysis, stylistics
- translation studies
The type and language of the presentation
The planned presentation is to report on a theoretical or empirical study in the Hungarian language (except if the presenter's mother tongue is not Hungarian).
The title of the presentation should
reflect the contents of the presentation
be expressive and transparent
not extend 7 words.
Stylistic and content requirements of the abstract:
Your abstract should consist of an Introduction (theoretical background, main questions, goals, hypotheses), Methods, Results and discussion, Conclusions. The Conference Committee evaluates the abstract considering these parts and also the stylistic values (style, adequacy to the genre of research abstracts), therefore we kindly ask you to take care about these when writing it.
- contextualize your research in the Hungarian and international literature
- define the hypotheses and/or the main research question(s)
- introduce briefly the methodology applied (e.g. participants or analyzed texts, methods of the analysis carried out, measuring equipment)
- summarize the main findings of the study (referring back to the main research question(s) or hypotheses, and to the previous literature)
- denote the main application possibilities and usefulness of the results and findings
- the length should not exceed one A4 page (appr. 2800 n + references)
- do not include any abbreviations or footnotes
- do not include more than 5 references