
magyar változat


8.15–9.00 Registration  
9.00–9.10 Opening  
9.10–10.30 Section 1 Chair: Tamás Váradi
  Andrea Dömötör Non-traditional zero copulas in a corpus-driven prespective (in Hungarian)
  Noémi Vadász Anaphora resolution on the fly – pronouns in a psycholinguistically motivated parser (in Hungarian)
  Ágnes Kalivoda Part-of-speech tagging of Hungarian preverbs – problems and proposed solutions (in Hungarian)
  Réka Dodé Building and validation of a domain specific corpus (in Hungarian)
10.30–10.45 Coffee break  
10.45–12.05 Section 2 Chair: Anna Fenyvesi
  István Jánk A method for examinig the role of linguistic discrimination in pedagogical evaluation and its results (in Hungarian)
  Péter Gaál Studies into online dictionary use in Hungary (in Hungarian)
  Anikó Berente Linguistic data of the four scribes of the Szeged witch trials (in Hungarian)
  Martina Katalin Szabó, Bernadett Lázár, Zsófi Nyíri and Gergely Morvay Analysing negative emotive intensifiers from point of view of gender differences in language use (in Hungarian)
12.05–13.15 Lunch break  
13.15–14.00 Poster session  
  Jing Feng The generic dructure of Chinese MA students’ theses acknowledgments: a comparative study across contexts
  Timea Bánki Rasing awareness of information structure in Spanish language teaching (in Hungarian)
  Attiláné Huszár Language maintenance and identity building in a Croatian minority (in Hungarian)
  Ariel Kaba Pokemon-go ポケモン語 – how do Pokemon communicate? (in Hungarian)
  Katalin Ilona Simkó Translatability of idioms: An English–Hungarian database (in Hungarian)
  Nikolett Várhegyi Request strategies of Hungarian EFL learners (in Hungarian)
14.00–15.20 Section 3 Chair: Krisztina Károly
  Martina Katalin Szabó, Drávucz Fanni Uncertainty in corpora for emotion- and sentiment analysis (in Hungarian)
  Annamária Kresztyankó Heterogeneity of Roma identity constructions in the university students’ language use (in Hungarian)
  Ádám Lajtai A comparative analysis of English language exam texts assessing reading comprehension (in Hungarian)
  Martina Katalin Szabó, Zsófi Nyíri és Bernadett Lázár A corpus-based comparative study from the point of view of Russian–English / English–Russian (in Hungarian)
15.20–15.40 Coffee break  
15.40–17.00 Section 4 Chair: Tamás Váradi
  Margarita Veronika Németh Pragmatic transfer in the thanking strategies of Hungarian EFL learners (in Hungarian)
  Dóra Sitkei On the interlanguage of L1 Polish/L2 Hungarian students in different speech acts (in Hungarian)
  Viktória Kovács Coreference conditions in speech transcripts of mild cognitive impairment patients (in Hungarian)
  Flóra Kondacs On the utterances of kindergarden children apropos izé (in Hungarian)
17.00 Closing remarks  
















program (.pdf)