The present volume aims to give an overview of the way the data
collected in the Budapest Sociolinguistic Interview (BSI) is processed.
It will be readily appreciated that a large scale project like the BSI
which generated an enormous amount of highly delicate linguistic
datacollected through an array of various tasks, poses a
challenge to data processing. It was felt that such a complex
undertaking was worth devoting a separate volume to it. The
core of the present paper was presented at the
``Workshop on Spoken Language Analysis'' held on 27-28 May 1994, in
After a brief overview of the BSI data, the paper will give a survey of our evolving attempts to accomodate the BSI data. During its history of more than ten years now, the BSI database system has undergone a major revision. This was precipitated by rapid technological advancement and necessitated by certain flaws in the design of the data model. Despite its recognized shortcomings, the earlier database version is also described in some detail because we feel it may still serve a useful purpose in showing how a first attempt may be made. If the tone of presentation is felt overly self-critical, it was a deliberate policy to help anyone embarking on a similar enterprise to avoid the pitfalls.
The emphasis will be on the data model and data entry - in line with the practical concerns of the BSI projects so far. However, Chapter 5, discusses data retrieval including a description of the multimedia edition of a complete interview on CD-ROM. The paper ends with a discussion of future word. It contains suggestions as to how the technology developed for the CD-ROM needs further elaboration in order to make all the BSI data accessible in a common graphic interface through the World Wide Web. While the bulk of the paper deals with the part of the BSI data that was numerically coded and processed in the database, Appendix A contains a detailed guide to the codes and conventions used in the transcription of the quided conversation. Familiarity with this part will prove indispensible for any serious study of the transcripts.
Budapest, January 1998
==1 Kontra, Mikl¢s & V radi Tam s. 1997. The Budapest Sociolinguistic Interview: Version 3 (Working Papers in Hungarian Sociolinguistics No 2, December 1997). Budapest: Linguistics Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 54 pp.
==1 V radi, Tam s. 1998. Manual of The Budapest Sociolinguistic Interview Data (Working Papers in Hungarian Sociolinguistics No 4, January 1998). Budapest: Linguistics Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 101 pp.