International Morphology Meeting
(Dedicated to the memory of Ferenc Kiefer)
September 1 - 4, 2022, Budapest, Hungary
IMM20 Home
As the next event in the (by now) long series of Morphology Meetings in Central Europe, the 20th International Morphology Meeting will be held in Budapest, Hungary, from September 1st through 4th, 2022, organized by the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics.
Important notice: The meeting will be held fully and exclusively in the traditional "offline" format, requiring the physical presence of the participants.
Keynote speakers
Jenny Audring (Universiteit Leiden)
Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero (University of Manchester)
David Embick (University of Pennsylvania)-
The following workshops will be held as part of the Meeting:
Analogy in Inflection (Erich R. Round, Emily Lindsay-Smith, Sacha Beniamine - Surrey Morphology Group)
The imperfectability of morphology: From analogy to anomaly (and back again) (Petar Milin, James P. Blevins)
Back-formation in a new theoretical universe (Livio Gaeta, Fabio Montermini)
Dissecting Morphological Theory 3: Diminutivization, allomorphy and the architecture of grammar (Stela Manova, Katharina Korecky-Kröll, Olga Steriopolo) -
Organizing committee
Martin Balo
Huba Bartos
Krisztina Polgárdi
Péter Rebrus