ProceedingS of the first central european student conference in linguistics



24-26 may 2006, budapest


Edited by Beáta Gyuris





Melita Aleksa (University of Osijek): Automatic Morphological Analysis of the Croatian Language: The Verbal, Adjectival and Nominal Inflections within the Morphological Parser HUMOR


Peter M. Arkadiev (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow): Two-term Case Systems in Cross-linguistic Perspective


Anna Asbury (Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS): Finnish Partitive Case as a Determiner Suffix


Reili Argus (Tallinn University): Acquisition of Inflectional Morphology in Estonian: Individual Differences in the Acquisition of Number


Vladimir A. Bondar (Saint-Petersburg Institute for Linguistic Research): On Variation of Old English 'hit'-'it' Pronouns


Gergely Bottyán (Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences): The Operationality of Grice's Tests for Implicature


Lívia Demjanová (Presov University): The Influence of Sociolinguistic Factors on Productivity in Word-formation


■ Kálmán Olivér Dudás (ELTE University): Cyclic Effects on the CP Edges Hinge on Checking Case


Natalia Elita (Technical University of Moldova), Monica Gavrila (University of Hamburg): Enhancing Translation Memories with Semantic Knowledge


Anna Ekert (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań): The Asymmetry in Bilingual Lexical Processing: Conceptual/Lexical Processing Route and the Word Type Effect


Andreja Erzen (Ljubljana Graduate School of the Humanities): Affirmation of the Slovenian Language: Slovenian Grammars and Dictionaries From 16th to 19th Century


Alexandra Fodor (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest): Rise and Fall in the Life of And


Noémi Hahn (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest): Developmental Relationship of Understanding Complements, Naive Theory of Mind, and Word Acquisition - ToM Said That Was a Wug in the Box


Dániel Huber (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest): On the Representations of Coronals and Velars Across Theories


Edith Kádár (Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca): Atmospherical Constructions in Hungarian


Elena Khanina (Moscow State University): In Search of Lost Telicity: Evidence from Basque


Maria Khokhlova (St. Petersburg State University): The Russian Language of the XVIII. Century: Presentation of Texts written by M. V. Lomonosov


Natalia Kuznetsova (Institute of Linguistic Research, St. Petersburg, Russia): Vowel Harmony: Learning and Generating Mophological Forms


Jakob Maché (University of Vienna): The Decline of Argument Structure


Alexandru Mardale, LLF/CNRS (Université Paris 7  & Universitatea din Bucuresti): Why on table is on the table? Notes on the Definites's Article Incorporation with Prepositions in Romanian


Verginica Barbu Mititelu (Romanian Academy Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Bucharest): Automatic Extraction of Patterns Displaying Hyponym-Hypernym Co-Occurrence from Corpora


Ana Ibáńez Moreno, Elisa González Torres (University of La Rioja): Determining the Criteria that are Useful to Identify the Derivational and/or Compositional Capabilities of Lexical Items in Old English


Tünde Nagy (University of Debrecen): The Semantics of Aspectualizers in English


Oksana Pasichnyk, Maksym Davydov (National University "Lvivska Polytechnika"): System of Finger Movement Identification for Sign Language Recognition


Marija Paunova (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje): Declension of Nouns in the Texts from the Ohrid Literary School


Adam Rambousek, Martin Kudlej (Masaryk University, Brno): DEBVisDic: Wordnet Editor and Browser Based on DEBII Platform


Fabienne Salfner (Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin): Semantic of Left-Dislocated Prepositional Phrases


Tekla Sinkó, Eleonóra Víg (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca): Boosting LVM-based Document Clustering and Visualization with Genetic Chromodynamics


Juliane Schütte (Potsdam University): On the Processing of Negative Polarity Constructions: When the Licensor Makes the Difference


Peter D. Staroverov (Moscow State University): Vowel Deletion and Stress in Tundra Nenets


Dan Stefanescu (Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Bucharest): Aligning Unequal  Multilingual Thesauri


György Szarvas (University of Szeged), Richárd Farkas (MTA-SZTE, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence, Szeged): Statistical Named Entity Recognition for Hungarian: Analysis of the Impact of Feature Space Characteristics