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Curriculum Vitae
Fields of research
Positions held 1991- Research Institute for Linguistics, HAS, senior research fellow
Education and qualifications 2004 PhD Uralistics, Az obi-ugor alapnyelv lexikális innovációi [Lexical Innovations in the Proto-Ob-Ugric] – summa cum laude 1997 Dr univ. Trópusok az északi osztják hősénekekben (Reguly gyűjtése alapján) [Literary Tropes in the Northern Khanty Heroes’ Songs (on the basis of the materials collected by Reguly)] 2004 ELTE Budapest, Finnougristics (PhD) 1997 ELTE Budapest, Finno-ugristics (Dr univ.) 1991 ELTE Budapest, Finnougristics, researcher's diploma (MA) 1991 ELTE Budapest, English, teacher's diploma (MA) 1990 ELTE Budapest, Hungarian Language and Literature, teacher's diploma (MA)
Fellowships, grants 1988-1989 scholarship, Finland
Teaching experience 2013 Winter School, Vienna - Khanty language 2001-2008 Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Khanty dialects, Finno-Ugric peoples and languages) 1996-1999 Eötvös Loránd University (Finno-Ugric peoples and languages) 1993-1995 Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Khanty dialects, Finno-Ugric peoples and languages) 1991-1995 Eötvös Loránd University (Finno-Ugric peoples and languages)
Leading and participating in research projects 2011-2014 participating in INNET project (Innovative Networking in Infrastructure of Endangered Languages) (FP7-284415) 2010- participating in developing the Uralic etymological database Uralonet (financed by National Cultural Fund of Hungary) 2009-2012 participating in OTKA-79666, i.e. 08-EuroBABEL-OP-015: Ob-Ugric languages: conceptual structures, lexicon, constructions, categories. An innovative approach to creating descriptive resources for Khanty and Mansi 2009-2011 participating in OTKA 81189: Morfológiailag elemzett nyelvtörténeti korpusz a magánéleti nyelvhasználat köréből [Morphologically analysed corpus of Old and Middle Hungarian texts, representative of informal language use] 2008-2010 participating in OTKA NF 71707 Ob-Ugric Morphological Analysers and Corpora 1991-1994 participating in OTKA 3216., assigned leader: 1993-94.
Other professional activities Editorial Activities Co-editor of the series Budapest Uralic Workshop (with Beatrix Oszkó, BUW 1–4) Editor of the series Schmidt Éva Könyvtár [Schmidt Éva Series] (=SÉK 1, 2, 4, 5) – editing and foreword Obi-ugorok a 21. században [Ob-Ugric Peoples in the 21st century] (CD). 2006 – editing and foreword
Memberships Society of Hungarian Linguistics, member Committee of Linguistics, Sub-committee of Uralistics, HAS -- chair Reguly Association, member of the board
Fieldwork 2005 2-week expedition in Siberia 1989 2-week trip to Saransk, Mordovia, in cooperation with Lomonosov University, Moscow 1988 2-week trip to Izhevsk, Udmurtia, in cooperation with Lomonosov University, Moscow 1987 2-week trip to Yoshkar-Ola, Mari Republic, in cooperation with Lomonosov University, Moscow 1986 2-week trip to Petroskoy, Karelia, in cooperation with Lomonosov University, Moscow
Awards 2009 Zsirai Miklós Diploma of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics
Languages English Finnish Khanty
Organizing conferences and workshops Co-organizer of the series Budapest Uralic Workshop (1997-) Organizer of the conference Obi-ugorok a 21. században [Ob-Ugric Peoples in the 21st century, 2005]
Conferences/Presentations (recently) 2013 Linguistic diversity - language endangerment - language minorities (with Beatrix Oszkó, Zsuzsa Várnai). Simonyi Zsigmond Annual Spelling Contest, Budapest, 25 May. New methods in teaching historical linguistics at secondary schools (with Beatrix Oszkó, Zsuzsa Várnai). Eötvös József Rhetorics Contest, Budapest, 11 May. a) INNET: Nyelvi veszélyeztetettség oktatása a középiskolákban (with Beatrix Oszkó - Sándor Szeverényi - Zsuzsa Várnai) Találkozások az anyanyelvi nevelésben 1, Pécs [INNET: The Issue of Endangered Languages in the Curriculum of Secondary Grammar Schools]; b) Nyelvi veszélyeztetettség oktatása a középiskolákban: földrajz, kulturális és társadalomtudományok. (with Beatrix Oszkó, Sándor Szeverényi) Találkozások az anyanyelvi nevelésben 1, Pécs [The Issue of Endangered Languages in the Curriculum of Secondary Grammar Schools: Geography, Cultural and Social Studies] - 22 April. 2012 ’Gold’ mining. Exploitation of an etymological database: Uralonet. (with co-authors). - Historical Corpora. Workshop: 25 years of TITUS. Frankfurt, Goethe Universität 6–9 Dec. URALONET (Uralic Etymological Database) (with Marianne Bakró-Nagy, Nikolett varnai, Beatrix Oszkó, Sándor Szeverényi, Dávid Takács, Zsuzsa Várnai). Hungarian Science Festival, Hungarian Academy of Sciences - 23 November. A hanti dialektológia néhány feladatáról [On some tasks of Khanty dialectology]. Péter Hajdú and Éva Schmidt's Commemoration Conference. University of Pécs, 11–13 October. 2011 The Use of Uralonet in Teaching. (co-author: Zsuzsa Várnai). 2nd Conference on Linguistics Pedagogy. (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest; 3 December 2011). Das Uralonet-Program. (co-author: Beatrix Oszkó). 15. Deutscher Finnougristentag. Neue Methoden der Sprach- und Kulturvermittlung. 25-26 November 2011. On the Uralonet project (co-authors: Nikolett varnai, Beatrix Oszkó, Sándor Szeverényi, Zsuzsa Várnai). Conference at the Department of Uralistics, Szombathely) 10 – 11 November, 2011. Nitra, Constantine the Philosopher University - Science for Education - Education for Science - „Kerem aszert Nagisagodat - Kérem azért nagyságodat.” (on the The Pragmatics of Requests in the letters written to Éva Lobkowitz-Poppel) Nitra, Constantine the Philosopher University – Science for Education – Education for Science – „Remarks on Teaching Comparative Linguistics at Secondary Schools” (co-author: Zsuzsa Várnai) Budapest, ELTE – New Results in Ob-Ugristics – „On the Lects of Kazym Khanty”. 2010 Nitra, Constantine the Philosopher University – Science for Education – Education for Science – „The Use of an Etymological Database at Secondary Schools” – poster 2009 University of Szeged – New Trends in Uralistics: Norms and Dialects – „On the Language of a Khanty Newspaper” – poster Vienna – Symposium in memoriam Károly Rédei – Round table discussion: Die Zukunft der finnougristischen Etymologieforschung / The future of Finno-Ugric etymological studies – participation University of Szeged – Results of Recent Studies in Historical Linguistics – „Consequencies of Language Contacts in Ob-Ugric Etymologies” 2007 University of Pécs – 11th International Conference on Minority Languages „The Current Sociolinguistic Situation of some Uralic Peoples” (poster). (co-authors: Sipőcz Katalin, Várnai Zsuzsa, Wagner-Nagy Beáta) 2002 University of Szeged – Results of Recent Studies in Historical Linguistics – „Reconstruction of meaning in the Ob-Ugric languauges” 2001 University of Miskolc – Grammar and Stylistics of Metaphors – „The peculiarities of metaphors in Khanty heroic epic poetry”. 2000 Tartu University – CIFU9 – „The categories of lexical innovations dating back to Ob-Ugric” 1999 RIL HAS, Budapest – Budapest Uralic Workshop 2. – „Sentences behind bars” (Co-author: Zsuzsa Salánki). 1997 RIL HAS, Budapest – Budapest Uralic Workshop 1. – „On the lexical innovations dating back to Ob-Ugric — on the basis of DEWOS”. 1996 University of Jyväskylä – CIFU8 – „Palato-Velar Pairs. On the Possibilities of Computer Analysis of Uralic Etymological Dictionary”
Last modified: 22.06.2020