Starting Page > Departments > Department of Finno-Ugric and Historical Linguistics > Research Group for Finno-Ugric > Zsuzsa Várnai > Curriculum Vitae



Curriculum Vitae



Fields of research

  • Northern Samoyedic languages

  • Phonology

  • Language contact

  • Language change


Positions held

2006- Research fellow, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2005-2006 Research fellow, Eötvös Lorand University, Dep. of Theoretical Linguistics

2004-2005 Research fellow, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2000-2003 Junior research fellow, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Education and qualifications

2004 Eötvös Loránd University, Finnougristics (PhD) Thesis title: The phonological description of Nganasan

1998 Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary: Finnougristics – researcher's diploma (MA) Thesis title: Language contact; Russian loanwords in Nganasan

1996 Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary: Hungarian Language and Literature – teacher's diploma (MA) Thesis title: The development of the Hungarian terminology


Fellowships, grants

2005-2006 Postdoctoral fellowship founded by the Hungarian Ministry of Education at Eötvös Lorand University, Dep. of Theoretical Linguistics

2003 “Fokos” Award of the Hungarian Linguistics Association

2000-2003 Young research fellowship founded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

1997–2000 Doctoral fellowship founded by Eötvös Lorand University

1994-1997 Scholary fellowship for students founded by Eötvös Lorand University

1994-1995 ”Batthyány” fellowship for students


Teaching experience

2012 temporary lecturer at Szeged University (Phonology of Uralic languages, Sociolinguistics)

2010 temporary lecturer at Szeged University (Phonology of Uralic languages)

2009 temporary lecturer at Szeged University (Phonology of Uralic languages)

2008 temporary lecturer at Szeged University (Phonology of Uralic languages)

2006 temporary lecturer at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (New tenedencies in the research of Finno-Ugric linguistics)

2005-2006 temporary lecturerat the University of Szeged (Finno-Ugric peoples and languages)

2000-2001 temporary lecturer at the University of Miskolc (Finno-Ugric peoples and languages)

1998-2002 temporary lecturer Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Finno-Ugric peoples and languages)


Leading/ participating in research projects

2011- member of the project INNET: Innovative Networking in Infrastructure for Endangered Languages FP7-284415 (project leader: Váradi, Tamás)

2010- member of the project founded by the Hungarian National Scientific Research Fund No 81189 Morfológiailag elemzett nyelvtörténeti korpusz a magánéleti nyelvhasználat köréből

[Morphologically analysed corpus of Old and Middle Hungarian texts, representative of informal language use]] (project leader: Dömötör, Adrienne)

2009-  member of the project: Uralonet Uralic Etimological Database on the internet

2008- deputy leader of the project founded by the Hungarian National Scientific Research Fund No. 60807 Nganasan morphological analyzer

2006- member of the project founded by the Hungarian National Scientific Research Fund No. 60807 Nganasan morphological analyzer

2005-2006 participating in the project An Analogy-based Formal Approach to Phonology and Morphology at Eötvös Lorand University, Dep. of Theoretical Linguistics

2001-2005 associated member of the project founded by the Hungarian Ministry of Education, grant for "Linguistic Database for Uralic Languages"


Other professional activities

Editorial Activities

1994-1997  technical editor of Hungarian Dialectological Atlas I.-III.



2006- secretary of the Hungarian Committe of International Committee for Finno-Ugric Congresses

2001- Reguly Association - member

1998- Association of Hungarian Linguists' – member

Organizing conferences and workshops



2003 ”Fokos”Award of the Hungarian Linguistics Association








Presentations (recently)


Summer Workshop „Samoyed“, Universität Hamburg, September 18th – 22nd, kurzus címe: Syllabic Phonology


Duray Zsuzsa—Horváth Csilla—Várnai Zsuzsa: Uralic indigenous minority identity and multilingual societies in Arctic urban centres; First Internatinal Conference on Sociolinguistics (Budapest, 2016. 09. 01-03.)

Várnai Zsuzsa: Малые языки в процессе урбанизации: Сравнительное исследование городского многоязычия в Арктических аборигенных сообществах, Венгерская лингвистическая экспедиция на Таймыр; Таймырские Чтения- (Norilszk, 2016. 03. 14-16.)


Linguistic diversity – language endangerment – language minorities (with Beatrix Oszkó, Mária Sipos). Simonyi Zsigmond  Annual Spelling Contest, Budapest, 25 May.

New methods in teaching historical linguistics at secondary schools (with Beatrix Oszkó, Mária Sipos). Eötvös József Rhetorics Contest, Budapest, 11 May


URALONET (Uralic Etymological Database) (with Marianne Bakró-Nagy, Nikolett Mus, Beatrix Oszkó, Sándor Szeverényi, Dávid Takács, Mária Sipos). Hungarian Science Festival, Hungarian Academy of Sciences - 23 November.


The Use of Uralonet in Teaching. (co-author: Zsuzsa Várnai). 2nd Conference on Linguistics Pedagogy. (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest; 3 December 2011).

On the Uralonet project (co-authors: Nikolett Mus, Beatrix Oszkó, Sándor Szeverényi, Mária Sipos). Conference at the Department of Uralistics, Szombathely) 10 – 11 November, 2011.

Nitra, Constantine the Philosopher University – Science for Education – Education for Science – „Remarks on Teaching Comparative Linguistics at Secondary Schools” (co-author: Mária Sipos)


Nitra, Constantine the Philosopher University – Science for Education – Education for Science – „The Use of an Etymological Database at Secondary Schools” – poster


Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity Workshop, München: Consonant clusters in Samoyedic languages – typological investigation

Budapest Uralic Workshop VI.

(with Wagner-Nagy, B.) Is there /e/ in Nganasan?

(with Kertész, Zs. and Kálmán, L.) Palatalization in Nganasan

(with Kubinyi, K.) Consonant gradation in Finnish and Nganasan


Maytinskaya conference, Moscow, Syllables in Samoyedic Languages

Internation Conference on Minority Languages XI.  (with Duray, Zs. – Sipőcz, K. – Sipos, M. – Wagner-Nagy, B.) The Current Sociolinguistic Situation of some Uralic Peoples

(with Várnai, L. – Körtvély, E. –Novák, A. – Wagner-Nagy, B.) Documentation of Endangered Uralic Languages


14th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Mora or Syllable?

OCP 3, Empty consonants in Nganasan II. Mikola Conference: Some problems of the Nganasan Phonology


at the session of the Association of Hungarian Linguists: A nganaszan szótag [The Syllable structure of Nganasan]

at the session of the Association of Hungarian Linguists, with Wagner-Nagy, B.: A nganaszan magánhangzó-harmónia [Vowel harmony in Nganasan]


presentation at the Conference of Doctoral Students: Nganaszan nyelv orosz jövevényszavai [Russian loanwords in Nganasan]



Last modified: 22.06.2020



