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Curriculum Vitae
Fields of research historical linguistics of Hungarian historical sociopragmatics of Hungarian building historical corpora
Workplaces and positions 2019– Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Science (junior research fellow) 2013 coding the booklets of mathematics tests of the National Competency Assessment for students in the 6th school year – VTK Innosystem
Education 2015–2018 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Doctoral School of Linguistics, Hungarian Linguistics Doctoral Program (Supervisor: Zsófia Sárosi) 2012–2015 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Hungarian Language and Literature, Descriptive Linguistics Specialization (MA degree) 2008–2012 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Hungarian Language and Literature (major), German Language and Literature (minor) (BA degree)
Participation in scientific project 2018– OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) K 116217 Competing structures in Middle Hungarian vernacular: a variationist approach (Head of the the research group: Adrienne Dömötör)
University teaching experience 1st term 2018/2019: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities: Linguistic proseminar 1st term 2016/2017: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities: Hungarian grammar 1.
Organizing scientific events 2018 Anyanyelvünk évszázadai 5. [Centuries of our Native language 5] Student Conference, organizer 2017 Alkalmazott Névkutatás [Applied Linguistics] Conference, participation in the organization 2017 III. Forráskutatás, forráskiadás, tudománytörténet [Investigating and editing language resources 3] Conference, participation in the organization 2016– Pesti Bölcsész Akadémia [Philological Academy of Pest], organizer, delegate of the Doctoral School of Language Studies 2016 Anyanyelvünk évszázadai 3. [Centuries of our Native language 3] Student Conference, organizer 2015 Anyanyelvünk évszázadai 2. [Centuries of our Native language 2] Student Conference, organizer 2014–2015 Demonstrator of the Department of Hungarian Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Dialectology at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities 2014 Zsigmond Simonyi Orthography Competition, corrector 2013–2014 Demonstrator of the Department of Modern Hungarian Linguistics at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities 2013 XVII. Pszinapszis (Budapesti Pszichológiai Napok) [Budapest Psychology Days Conference XVII], participation in the organization 2013 Zsigmond Simonyi Orthography Competition, corrector 2011 Egyetemi Anyanyelvi Napok [University Mother Tongue Days] at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, participation in the organization 2011 Országos Kossuth-szónokverseny [Kossuth National Rhetoric Competition], participation in the organization 2009–2011 Demonstrator of the Department of Modern Hungarian Linguistics at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities; examination, organization, and computer processing of requested first names at the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Other professional activities 2017 Participation in the processing and analysis of the New Hungarian Dialect Atlas (Head of the research group: Jenő Kiss) 2016– Preparing the publication of the Lányi-codex (Head of the research group: Rudolf Szentgyörgyi) 2016 Preparing the publication of the Guary-codex (Head of the research group: Lea Haader) 2015 Réka P. Kocsis and Rudolf Szentgyörgyi (eds.), Anyanyelvünk évszázadai 1. [Centuries of our Native language 1]. Conference proceedings of the Historical Linguistics Conference organized by the Benkő Loránd Historical Linguistics Student Workshop at ELTE 20 June 2014. Studia Iuvenum Chronolinguistica 1. Department of Hungarian Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Dialectology at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest; assistant to the editors 2015– Member of the ELTE Benkő Loránd Historical Linguistics Student Workshop 2015– Member of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics 2014–2015 Member of the Sociolinguistics and Dialectological Student Workshop at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities 2013– Member of the Benkő Loránd Historical Linguistics Workshop at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Biblia Mediaevalis Hungarica Research Team (Head of the research group: Lea Haader)
Award 2007 Egyén és közösség (v)iszonya Németh László prózájában [Relationship between individuals and the community in the prose of László Németh], Crater Workshop Association, competition, special prize
Languages German (advanced) English (intermediate)
Conference presentations 2018 Peregrinuslevelekben szereplő kérések nyelvi megformáltsága [Linguistic form of requests in peregrinating student letters]. A nyelvtörténeti kutatások újabb eredményei X. [Current results of diachronic investigations X]. Szeged. 16–18. századi levelekben szereplő kérések módszertani megközelíthetőségei, problémái [The examination of requests found in 16th–18th century letters and its methodological approaches and problems]. ReBaKucs Conference, A dialógus formái a magyar régiségben [Forms of Dialogue in Hungarian Antiquity]. Kolozsvár. 2017 Variációk a kérésre 17–18. századi levelekben [Variations of request in 17th and 18th century letters]. The 13th Félúton [Halfway] Conference, organized by the Hungarian Linguistics Doctoral Program of the Doctoral School of Linguistics at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities. Budapest. 2015 A kérés beszédaktusának vizsgálata középmagyar kori házastársi levelekben [Examination of the speech act of request in marital letters from the Middle Hungarian]. The 11th Félúton [Halfway] Conference, organized by the Hungarian Linguistics Doctoral Program of the Doctoral School of Linguistics at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities. Budapest. A bocsánatkérés beszédaktusának vizsgálata a Nádasdy-levelezésben [Examination of the speech act of apology in the Nádasdy correspondence]. Anyanyelvünk évszázadai 2. [Centuries of our Native language 2] Student Conference. Budapest. 2014 Életkor-specifikus nyelvhasználat a szókincs szempontjából [Age-specific language use with respect to the mental lexicon]. Generációk nyelve, Új nézőpontok a magyar nyelv leírásában 5. [Language of generations, New aspect in the description of Hungarian language 5]. Budapest. A kérés és a bocsánatkérés beszédaktusának vizsgálata a Nádasdy-levelezésben [Examination of the speech acts of request and apology in the Nádasdy correspondence]. Conference of Scientific Students’ Associations. Budapest. A kérési szándék megjelenítési módjainak vizsgálata 16. század második felében keletkezett házastársi levelezésekben [Examination of the appearances of the request intent in marital correspondences in the second half of the 16th century]. Anyanyelvünk évszázadai [Centuries of our Native language] Student Conference. Budapest.
Popular science presentation 2017 „Kérlek, kérlek, kérlek küldj úrgombát.” – Kérések megjelenítése 16–17. századi házastársi levelekben [Appearance of requests in marital letters in the 16th–17th centuries]. The Day of Hungarian Culture at the Széchenyi István High School. Dunaújváros.
Radio appearance 2016 Szikora József (ed.), Kép a tükörben: pillanatképek a média világából [Image in the mirror: snapshots of the media world]. The Hungarian Catholic Radio. Presenting the research of the Biblia Mediaevalis Hungarica Research Team at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities. Budapest.
Publications Studies in books 2016 Életkor-specifikus nyelvhasználat a szókincs szempontjából [Age-specific language use with respect to the mental lexicon]. In: Géza Balázs – Ágnes Veszelszki (eds.), Generációk nyelve [Language of generations]. Tanulmánykötet [Collection of papers]. Eötvös Loránd University Department of Modern Hungarian Linguistics – Inter Nonprofit Kft. – Hungarian Semiotic Society, Budapest. 251–264. A bocsánatkérés beszédaktusának vizsgálata a Nádasdy-levelezésben [Examination of the speech act of apology in the Nádasdy correspondence]. In: Réka P. Kocsis and Szilvia Bagyinszki (eds.), Anyanyelvünk évszázadai 2. [Centuries of our Native language 2]. Conference proceedings of the Historical Linguistics Conference organized by the Benkő Loránd Historical Linguistics Student Workshop at ELTE 12 June 2015. Studia Iuvenum Chronolinguistica 2. Department of Hungarian Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Dialectology at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest. 11–28. 2015 A kérési szándék megjelenítési módjainak vizsgálata egy 16. század második felében folytatott házastársi levelezésben [Examination of the appearances of the request intent in marital correspondences in the second half of the 16th century]. Réka P. Kocsis and Rudolf Szentgyörgyi (eds.), Anyanyelvünk évszázadai 1. [Centuries of our Native language 1]. Conference proceedings of the Historical Linguistics Conference organized by the Benkő Loránd Historical Linguistics Student Workshop at ELTE 20 June 2014. Studia Iuvenum Chronolinguistica 1. Department of Hungarian Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Dialectology at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest. 75–87.
Last modified: 10.04.2019