Starting Page > Departments > Department of Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics > Research Center for Multilingualism > Anna Borbély > Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae



Candidate doctorate of Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1997, Topic: Sociolinguistic Research on the Language shift of Romanians living in Hungary.

Postgraduate student of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1989–1992. Research topic: The bilingualism of Romanians living in Hungary.

Doctorate in Linguistics at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 1985. Thesis: Investigations on Romanian dialects in Hungary.

M.A. Hungarian and Romanian Language and Literature at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 1982. Thesis: Language use of Psychotics.


Scholarships, awards

University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM, USA) 1996. Supported by Soros Foundation (022_3056/95)

1992. Award of the Committee for Doctoral Awards of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2006. Certificate of the “Bolyai János” Scholarship Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Current Research

The Survey of Spoken Hungarian: The Budapest Sociolinguistic Interview (Research Group project)

Longitudinal Study on Language Shift (from 1990): Romanian minority community in Hungary (Individual Research project)

Comparative Study on the Bilingualism of Minority Communities in Hungary (Research Group project)

Dimensions of Linguistic Otherness: Prospects of Maintenance and Revitalization of Minority Languages within the new Europe (Research Group project)

The Romanian Diaspora in Budapest. A Socio-Cultural Analysis (Research Group project).




Last modified: 22.10.2010

