Starting Page > Departments > Department of Theoretical Linguistics > Márton András Baló > Curriculum Vitae



Curriculum Vitae




2017 Ph.D. in theoretical linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

2012 The Roma in Europe – Comparative Analysis: a course for Ph.D. students, CEU Summer University

2008 MA in theoretical linguistics (combined BA/MA studies), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

2007 specialist in Yiddish language and culture, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

2007 qualified English-Hungarian/Hungarian-English translator specialised in social studies, Eövös Loránd University FTK (Centre for Translating and Interpreting)

2005 qualified examiner in English language, Centre for Advanced Language Learning of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (ELTE ITK)

2004 MA in English language and literature (combined BA/MA studies), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest



2017- research fellow, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2014- assistant research fellow, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2013- linguistics seminar leader, Milestone Institute, Budapest

2012 fieldworker in the Project ‛The Linguistic Atlas of Central Romani’ (Prague) and the Romani Project Manchester

2005-2014 freelance translator

2005-2010 ELTE ITK examiner in English language at Dover Language Centre

2000-2010 English teacher




In search of Hungaro-Romani at the 50th Poznań Linguistic Meeting in Poznań, Poland, jointly with Zuzana Bodnárová (online)

In search of Hungaro-Romani at the 3rd Conference on Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity, jointly with Zuzana Bodnárová (online)

Romani linguistic repertoires in an open world at the Romani Linguistic Workshop, Pécs, Hungary (online)

Cliticisation in Yiddish at the NYTUD-UCL Yiddish Reading Group, Budapest, Hungary (online)

Linguistic fieldwork then and now – dilemmas in the time of the coronavirus pandemic at the 10th Conference on Romani Studies, Pécs, Hungary, jointly with Mátyás Rosenberg (online)


Sinti ethnonyms and their background at the 9th Conference on Romani Studies, Pécs, Hungary, jointly with Mátyás Rosenberg (online)

More evidence for the partial extension of the oikoclitic nominal inflection at the 14th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Belgrade, Serbia (online)

The aftermath of the borrowing of a borrowing pattern in Romani  at the 19th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, Austria


The role of the Romani language in the construction of Romani identity in rural Hungary at the 2nd Conference on Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity, Essen, Germany

The Sinti dialect in Hungary at the 8th Conference on Romani Studies, Pécs, Hungary, jointly with Mátyás Rosenberg


The Sinti dialect in Hungary at the 13th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Paris, France

The presence and role of the Romani language in the identity formation of young Roma at the 3rd Contested Languages of the Old World conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Morphological variation in the nominal system of Northern Vlax Romani, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Schemata in the analysis of morphological variation in Lovari at the 47th Poznań Linguistic Meeting in Poznań, Poland

Nominal oblique patterns in Romani at the Seventh Cambridge Conference on Language Endangerment (Language Endangerment: Language Contact and Language Change), Cambridge, UK

The presence and role of the Romani language in the identity formation of young Roma at the NAIRS Conference, Stockholm, Sweden

Vlax Romani tribes in Hungary – do they actually speak different dialects? at the 6th Conference on Romani Studies, Pécs, Hungary

Variation in Lovari morphology at the Linguistics Prague Conference, Prague, Czech Republic


Vlax Romani tribes in Hungary – do they actually speak different dialects? at the 12th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Stockholm, Sweden

Recycled markers and competing constructions in Romani morphology at the AnaMorphoSys Conference, Lyon, France


The nominal morphology of Lovari from an analogical perspective (poster at the 16th International Morphology Meeting, Budapest, Hungary)


The nominal morphology of Lovari from an analogical perspective at the 2nd Conference of Romani Studies’ scholars, Pécs, Hungary


The nominal morphology of Lovari from an analogical perspective (poster at the Décembrettes 8 International Conference on Morphology, Bordeaux, France)

The background and possibilities of a linguistic atlas of the Romani language in Hungary at the Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, Istanbul, Turkey, jointly with Szilvia Lakatos

The possibilities of a linguistic atlas of the Romani language in Hungary at the Conference on the historical past and present of the Roma, Pécs, Hungary, jointly with Szilvia Lakatos

Difficulties in acquiring authentic linguistic data – the Romani example in Hungary at the 43rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting in Poznań, Poland

The background and possibilities of a linguistic atlas of the Romani language in Hungary at the 10th International Conference on Romani Linguistics in Barcelona, Spain, jointly with Szilvia Lakatos


Change and variation in the Lovari verbal system at the Conference on the historical past and present of the Roma, Pécs, Hungary

Analogy in Romani morphology at the Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, Graz, Austria


Lovari loan-verb adaptation markers as arguments for an analogy-based analysis of verbal systems (poster at the Décembrettes 7 International Conference on Morphology, Toulouse, France)

Change and variation in the Lovari verbal system at the conference organised on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Department of Theoretical Linguistics of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

A current trend or a historic remnant? The case of a Lovari verb-forming suffix at the 41st Poznań Linguistic Meeting in Poznań, Poland

A possible analogy-based analysis of Lovari loan-verb adaptation markers at the 9th International Conference on Romani Linguistics in Helsinki, Finland

Analogy as a means of predicting linguistic phenomena at the 2nd Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań, Poland

Clashing a diachronic and a synchronic analysis in the verb derivation of the Lovari dialect spoken in Hungary at the 2nd academic meeting on the latest results of Hungarian linguistics researches, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Arguments from Lovari loan-verb adaptation for an analogy-based analysis of verbal systems (poster at the 14th International Morphology Meeting, Budapest)


The Adaptation of Loan-verbs in Lovari at the 13th National Conference of PhD Students of Linguistics, Szeged, Hungary


Lovari Verbal Paradigms at the first morpho/phonological Mókus conference organised by the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Yiddish as the Language of a Nation – Overburdened Dreams – Zionism, Birobidzhan and Yiddish at the Yiddish section of the conference “The Human and Its Others” organised by the American Comparative Literature Association at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA


Last modified: 17.05.2022



