Starting Page > Departments > Department of Theoretical Linguistics > Ekaterina Georgieva > Curriculum Vitae



Curriculum Vitae



Fields of research

Udmurt language

Morphosyntax, Syntax

Non-finite clauses


Positions held

2015- Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Junior Research Fellow



2012–2015 Finno-Ugric Linguistics (PhD Studies), University of Szeged

2010–2012 Finno-Ugric Studies (MA), University of Szeged

2009–2010 Linguistics (MA), Sofia University, Bulgaria

2005–2009 Hungarian Studies (BA), Sofia University, Bulgaria



2018 Travel grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Tallinn, Estonia

2018 CAMPUS Mundi: research visit, University of Leipzig, Germany (3 weeks)

2016–2018 Contact-induced change in Finno-Ugric languages (NKM-39/2016), Hungarian Academy of Sciences and University of Tartu bilateral mobility project (project leaders: Éva Dékány and Helle Metslang)

2015–2016 Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Strand 1, Aurora project grant for doctoral students, Udmurt State University, Russian Federation (6 months)

2015 CAMPUS Hungary: fieldwork, Udmurt State University, Russian Federation (3 months)

2015 CAMPUS Hungary: 3rd International Winter School in Finno-Ugric Studies, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Germany (1 week)

2014 CAMPUS Hungary: fieldwork, Udmurt State University, Russian Federation (1 month)

2014 CAMPUS Hungary: research, University of Surrey, Surrey Morphology Group, United Kingdom (5 months)

2014 Erasmus/EU Lifelong Learning Programme: 2nd International Winter School in Finno-Ugric Studies, University of Szeged (2 weeks)

2013 CAMPUS Hungary: Summer course (Trip to Finno-Ugria: Language and verbal culture of the Udmurts) and fieldwork, Udmurt State University, Russian Federation (1 month)

2013 Erasmus/EU Lifelong Learning Programme: 1st International Winter School in Finno-Ugric Studies, University of Vienna, Austria (2 weeks)

2011-12 Hungarian Scholarship Board: postgraduate studies, University of Szeged, Department of Finno-Ugric Linguistics (8 months)

2011 CIMO: summer course (Finnish language and literature), University of Oulu, Finland (3 weeks)

2009-10 Hungarian Scholarship Board: partial studies, University of Szeged, Department of Hungarian Linguistics (5 months)

2007-8 Erasmus, University of Szeged, Department of Hungarian Linguistics (10 months)


Teaching experience

2013 University of Szeged, Department of Finno-Ugric Linguistics

Subjects held: Morphology of the Finno-Ugric languages from a theoretical/typological perspective




The diachrony of ‘rather than’-clauses revisited, 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn, Estonia

Locative and existential clauses in Uralic: A case study of Hungarian, Udmurt and Tundra Nenets (with Veronika Hegedűs and Nikolett Mus), 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn, Estonia

Future tense > habitual past: the case of Udmurt, 18th International Morphology Meeting (IMM 18), Budapest

Non-finite clauses in Udmurt, Topics in syntax and its interfaces colloquium, Institute for Linguistics, University of Leipzig, Germany

Sound-aligned corpus of Udmurt dialectal texts (poster) (with Timofey Arkhangelskiy), Fourth International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages (IWCLUL 4), Helsinki, Finland


Modal non-finite clauses in Udmurt, 13th Changing Language Day, Tallinn, Estonia

Converbs in Udmurt: a syntactic account, Uralic Syntax Day, Tartu, Estonia

Converbs in Udmurt ‒ a unified class? 2nd Budapest Linguistics Conference, Budapest


Non-finite clauses in Udmurt and Tatar, Contact-induced changes in syntax workshop, 12th Changing Language Day, Tartu, Estonia


Null and overt pronouns in Udmurt non-finite clauses (poster), XII International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies, Oulu, Finland

Syntactic similarities between the non-finite clauses in Udmurt and Tatar (poster) (with Eszter Ótott-Kovács), XII International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies, Oulu, Finland

Egyeztetés és jelentés az udmurt nem-finit mellékmondatokban [Agreement and meaning in the Udmurt non-finite clauses], X. Kari Doktorandusz Konferencia, Szeged


Kitett és rejtett névmások az udmurtban [Overt and null pronouns in Udmurt], LingDok 18., Szeged

Nem-finit alárendelői mellékmondatok a Volga-vidéki nyelvi areában [Non-finite subordinate clauses in the Volga-Kama Sprachbund] (together with Eszter Ótott-Kovács), LingDok 18., Szeged

On the person agreement suffixes of gerunds in Udmurt, International Morphology Meeting 16, Budapest


Action nominals in the Finno-Ugric languages, New Territories in Word-Formation, Sofia, Bulgaria


Non-finites in Udmurt – derivation or inflection (poster), Universals and Typology in Word-Formation II, Košice, Slovakia

Temporal non-finite constructions in Udmurt, Graduate Conference on Areal Linguistics, Grammar and Contacts, Tartu, Estonia

The grammaticalization of the 2nd past tense in Udmurt (poster), International Morphology Meeting 15, Vienna, Austria


Igei szinkretizmus a szláv nyelvekben [Verbal syncretism in Slavic], Kari Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia, Szeged



2016 Udmurtia (6 months)

2015 Udmurtia (3 months)

2014 Udmurtia (1 month)

2013 Udmurtia (1 month)



Bulgarian: mothertongue

Hungarian: C2

English: C1

Udmurt: B2

Russian: B1

Finnish: B1



Last modified: 10.09.2018



