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For her list of publications, see: MTMT
Downloadable papers: A szibériai kapcsolat - avagy miért nem tárgyasan ragozzuk az igét 1. és 2. személyű tárgy esetén. Magyar Nyelvjárások 41. (2003) K. É. Kiss – Beáta Gyuris: Apparent scope inversion under the rise fall contour. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 50: 371-404. (2003) Parallel strategies of verbal complex formation in West-Germanic and Hungarian. In: É. Kiss K. & H. van Riemsdijk (eds.): The Verbal Complex. A Study of Hungarian, German, and Dutch. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 335-358. (2004) Event types and discourse linking in Hungarian. Linguistics 43, 131-154. (2005) The inverse agreement constraint in Hungarian - a relic of a Uralic–Siberian Sprachbund? In: Hans Broekhuis (ed.) A Festschrift for Henk van Riemsdijk. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.(2005) Focussing as predication. In: Valéria Molnar & Susanne Winkler (eds.), The Architecture of Focus, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. (2006) The function and the syntax of the verbal particle. In: É. Kiss K. (ed.) Event structure and the Left Periphery. Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. Springer, Dordrecht. (to appear) From the grammaticalization of viewpoint aspect to the grammaticalization of situation aspect. In: É. Kiss K. (ed.) Event structure and the Left Periphery. Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. Springer, Dordrecht. (to appear) Apparent or real? On the complementary distribution of identificational focus and the verbal particle. In: É. Kiss K. (ed.) Event structure and the Left Periphery, 201-225. Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. Springer, Dordrecht. (to appear) Substitution or adjunction? Quantifiers and adverbials in the Hungarian sentence (2008) Lingua 1553 Syntactic, semantic and prosodic factors determining the position of adverbial adjuncts. 2009. In: É., Kiss (ed.) Adverbs and adverbial adjuncts at the interfaces. John Benjamins. Deriving the properties of structural focus (2009) Proceedings of CIL 18 Is free postverbal order in Hungarian a syntactic or a PF phenomenon? (2009) in: The Sound Pattern of Syntax, ed. by Nomi Erteschik-Shir and Lisa Rochman, Oxford University Press Quantification in negative sentences (2009) Approaches to Hungarian 11 Nekem el kell menni/el kell mennem/el kell, hogy menjek/el kell menjek/el kellek menni (2009, to appear in É. Kiss - Hegedűs: nyelvelmélet és dialektológia, PPKE) The structure of the Hungarian VP revisited. In: Ch. Pinon (ed.), Approaches to Hungarian 10. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. (to appear) A nyelvészet mint természettudomány. Magyar Tudomány. (to appear) Jól megoldottuk? Rosszul oldottuk meg? Az összefoglaló és a kirekesztő kifejezést tartalmazó mondatok szórendjének magyarázata. Magyar Nyelv (to appear) Az ige utáni szabad szórend magyarázata. Nyelvtudományi Közlemények (to appear) Free word order, (non-)configurationality, and phases (ms) Érvek és ellenérvek a fókusz [+kimerítő] jegyével kapcsolatban.(ms) Structural focus and exhaustivity 2008. Agreement with coordinate phrases: morphosyntactic versus semantic identity K. É.Kiss, Mátyás Gerőcs, Tamás Zétényi: The linguistic roots of multiplication Ways of Licensing external possessors: preliminary version of Ways of licensing Hungarian external possessors. Acta Linguistica Hungarica Vol. 61 (2014) 1, 45-68. Grammaticalized Backgrounding: preliminary version of Grammaticalized backgrounding. In: J. Brandtler, D. Hakansson, S. Huber, E. Klingvall: Discourse and Grammar. Lund University. Katalin É. Kiss - Lilla Pintér: Identificational focus revisited. Paper presented at CL50 (the 50th anniversary meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society) in May, 2014. Katalin É. Kiss: From Proto-Hungarian SOV to Old Hungarian Top Foc V X. Diachronica Volume 30, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 202 –231. Katalin É. Kiss: Accusative or possessive? The suffix of pronominal objects in Ob-Ugric (2020)
Last modified: 02.04.2020.