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Phonology and Morphology Research Group (FoMo)
The research group is engaged in a wide range of themes in the fields of phonetics, phonology and morphology under the auspices of the Department of Theoretical Linguistics of the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Its primary goal is to establish synergy between empirical and theoretical work. The theoretical research carried out by the group focuses on analogy, variability and formal models, while the empirical work is done within the framework of laboratory phonology and it is based on linguistic corpora and experiments. Languages studied by the research group are in particular the following: Hungarian and other Uralic languages, the diverse varieties of Romani spoken in Hungary, Boyash, English, Spanish, Georgian. The research group publishes extensively in and reviews papers for Hungarian and international scholarly journals while also participating in and organising Hungarian and international academic conferences. For further details, consult the personal websites and Hungarian Scientific Bibliography (MTMT) pages of the individual members of the research group.
Research areas: Analogy-based phonology and morphology In our view, linguistic phenomena involving variation, gradience and frequency effects belong to the core of language. Our goal is to develop a phonological and morphological framework that hinges on two central assumptions: (1) linguistic patterns can be captured by surface-based generalisations made directly about linguistic units, and (2) the grammar should be able to handle frequency-related and gradient (non-categorical) phenomena in language. Formal phonology We investigate both fundamental components of phonological models: the structure and basic units of representations and the set of operations mapping one representation onto another. In addition, we examine the interactions of phonology with morphology on the one hand and with phonetics on the other. Our research deals with both synchronic and diachronic data, coming from various languages (currently focusing mostly on Hungarian and English). See here for more information on our research topics
Other duties carried out by the research group
Research projects Ongoing project:
Participation in ongoing projects:
Research proposal:
Previous projects:
Participation in previous projects:
Successfully defended doctoral theses supervised by members of the research group: Szalontai Ádám: The syntax and prosody of the post-verbal domain in Hungarian (supervisors: Katalin Mády és Balázs Surányi, opponents: Markó, Alexandra (ELTE), Szendrői, Krisztina (UCL, London), cum laude) Baló András Márton: Analogy in Lovari Morphology (supervisor: László Kálmán, opponents: Törkenczy, Miklós, DSc (ELTE), Zsigri, Gyula, PhD (SZTE), summa cum laude) Rung András: Magyar főnévi alaktani jelenségek analógiás megközelítésben (supervisor: László Kálmán, opponents Kornai, András (SZTAKI), Törkenczy, Miklós (ELTE), summa cum laude) Drienkó László: A linguistic agreement mapping-system model (supervisor: László Kálmán, opponents: Bíró, Tamás (ACLC, University of Amsterdam), Rebrus, Péter (MTA-ELTE), cum laude) Kiss Zoltán: The Phonetics-Phonology Interface (Allophony, Assimilation and Phonotactics) (supervisor: Miklós Törkenczy, opponents: Siptár, Péter (ELTE), Szentgyörgyi, Szilárd (Pannon Egyetem), summa cum laude) Varasdi Károly: A progresszívről és az imperfektívről (supervisor László Kálmán, opponents: Gendler, Szabó Zoltán (Yale University), Maleczki, Márta (SzTE), summa cum laude) Anne Tamm: Relations between Estonian Verbs, Aspect, and Case (supervisor: András Komlósy, opponents: Christopher Pinon, Pusztay, János, summa cum laude) Gyuris Beáta: The Semantics of Contrastive Topics in Hungarian (supervisor: László Kálmán, opponents: Maleczki, Márta, Christopher Pinon, summa cum laude) Rebrus Péter: Morfofonológiai jelenségek (Magyar tő- és toldalékváltakozások CV-fonológiai keretben) (supervisor: László Kálmán, opponents: Siptár, Péter, Szigetvári, Péter, summa cum laude) Szigetvári Péter: VC Phonology: a theory of consonant lenition and phonotactics (supervisor: Miklós Törkenczy, opponents: Jean Lowenstam, Polgárdi, Krisztina; summa cum laude)
Events: FoMo talks: The Phonology and Morphology Research Group regularly invites external and internal presenters to give talks. Time and place: once a month on Thursday at 5 p.m. in the lecture hall on the ground floor of the Research Institute for Linguistics Upcoming talk (the series is temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic) Previous talks: see the the institute archives of events at the institute
Researchers: Balo, Martin, PhD, research fellow Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna, PhD, part-time senior research fellow (abroad) Fejes, László, PhD, research fellow Kálmán, László, CSc, senior research fellow Komlósy, András, CSc, senior research fellow (retired) Mády, Katalin, PhD, senior research fellow Polgárdi, Krisztina, PhD, senior research fellow Rebrus, Péter, PhD, senior research fellow, research group leader Törkenczy, Miklós, DSc, research professor Former staff: Benkő, Ágnes, MA, part-time assistant research fellow Deme, Andrea, PhD, assistant research fellow Kohári, Anna, PhD, assistant research fellow Patay, Fanni, MA, part-time assistant research fellow Reichel, Uwe, PhD, guest researcher Siptár, Péter, DSc, research professor Szalontai, Ádám, PhD, assistant research fellow
Individual research activities: Balo, Martin Testing analogical models on Romani language material. Collecting and analysing empirical, spoken Romani language data. Bárkányi, Zsuzsanna Her research applies laboratory phonological methods to Hungarian, Slovak and Spanish data, focussing on voicing at prosodic boundaries and in consonant clusters. Fejes, László Describing phenomena of vowel harmony and antiharmony in Uralic languages, developing a typology for harmony. Investigating certain morphological phenomena in Uralic languages (paradigm types, derivation). Kálmán, László Performing corpus-based statistical analyses in the field of Hungarian morphophonology. Running computer simulations in order to evaluate theoretical models. Mády, Katalin Laboratory phonology, sociophonetic phenomena, processes of sound change. Investigating and modelling prosody using experimental methods. Polgárdi, Krisztina Theoretical phonological research in the framework of Government Phonology: syllable structure phenomena (distributions and alternations), segmental representations and the analysis of processes (on data from English, Hungarian and other languages). Rebrus, Péter Phonology and morphology, Hungarian phonology and morphology in particular, vowel harmony, the typology of consonant clusters, optimality theory, analogy-based grammars, morphophonology (irregularity, defectiveness, paradigms). Computational linguistics, in particular: morphological annotation, finite-state machines in phonology and morphology, analogy-based linguistic models. Törkenczy, Miklós Research into theoretical phonology and morphology. Research into Hungarian phonology and morphology, with special regard to vowel harmony, phonological and morphological variation and the morpho(phono)logy of paradigmatic gaps. Evaluating the results of experiments carried out in these areas, comparing theoretical models. Gathering Hungarian morphological and phonological data from corpora and performing summary analyses of them. Research into English phonology, with special regard to the topic of word stress.
Last modified: 28.01.2021