Starting Page > Departments > Department of Theoretical Linguistics > Beáta Gyuris


Beáta Gyuris


Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow




Field of Research: Semantics, Formal Semantics


Current project:

The grammar and pragmatics of interrogatives and their (special) uses  (OTKA K 115922)

Previous projects:

Humboldt Partnership MTA-Bielefeld ― Research Group 'Grammar and Pragmatics'

Comprehensive Grammar Resources – Hungarian



Gárdai, Kinga, Anna Kohári and Cecília Molnár (eds.) 2020. GyurMa100: Kérdések Gyuris Beának és Mády Katinak. [GyurMa100: Questions for Bea Gyuris and Kati Mády] GyurMa100 Munkacsoport: Budapest.




