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Selected Publications
Intonation Mády, K. and Kleber, Felicitas (2010): Variation of pitch accent patterns in Hungarian, 5th Speech Prosody Conference, Chicago.[download] Duběda, T. and Mády, K. (2010): Nucleus position within the intonation phrase: a typological study of English, Czech and Hungarian, Interspeech, Makuhari.[download] Gyuris, B. and Mády, K. (2010): Contrastive topics between syntax and pragmatics in Hungarian: an experimental analysis,Chicago Linguistic Society.[download]
Vowel quantity Mády, K. (2010): Hungarian vowel quantity neutralisation as a potential social marker, Acta Linguistica Hungarica 57 (2–3), 167–188. Beňuš, Š. and Mády, K. (2010): Effects of lexical stress and speech rate on the quantity and quality of Slovak vowels, 5th Speech Prosody Conference, Chicago. [download] Mády, K. (2010): Shortening of long high vowels in Hungarian: a perceptual loss?, Proc. Sociophonetics at the crossroads of speech variation, processing and communication, Pisa.[download] Mády, K., Bombien, L. and Reichel, U.D. (2008): Is Hungarian losing the vowel quantity distinction?, Proc. 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, Strasbourg. [download] White, L. and Mády, K. (2008): The long and the short and the final: phonological vowel length and prosodic timing in Hungarian, Proc. 4th Speech Prosody Conference, Campinas. [download] Mády, K. (2008): Magyar magánhangzók vizsgálata elektromágneses artikulográffal gyors és lassú beszédben, Beszédkutatás. [download] Mády, K. and Reichel, U.D. (2007): Quantity distinction in the Hungarian vowel system--just theory or also reality?, Proc. 15th ICPhS, Saarbrücken. [download paper] [confusion matrix for isolated vowels] [confusion matrix for embedded vowels] Reichel, U.D. and Mády, K. (2007): Comparing Human and Machine Vowel Classification, Proc. 15th ICPhS, Saarbrücken. [download] Mády, K., Tronka, K.Z. and Reichel, U.D. (2005): Syllable cut and energy contour in vowels: a comparative study on German and Hungarian, ZAS Papers in Linguistics. [download]
Glossectomy Mády, K. and Beer, A. (2007): Articulatory parameters in consonant production after tumour surgery: a real-time MRI investigation, Archives of Acoustics 32. [download] Mády, K. (2004): Akustische, artikulatorische und perzeptive Parameter in der Konsonantenproduktion nach Zungenteilresektion, PhD thesis. [download] Mády, K. and Beer, A. (2004): A real-time MRI evaluation of consonant production after oral tumour surgery, Grazer Linguistische Studien. [download] Mády, K.; Sader, R.; Hoole, P.; Zimmermann, A. and Horch, H.-H. (2003): Speech evaluation and swallowing ability after intra-oral cancer, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. [download]
Other papers Maitz, P. and Mády, K. (2010): /t/ deletion in German braucht: auxiliarization process or phonetic necessity?, Proc. Experimental Approaches to the Perception and Production of Language Variation, Groningen.[extended version] Mády, K. (2008): Beszédpercepció és pszicholingvisztika, Pszicholingvisztikai kézikönyv. [download] Foidl, P. and Mády, K. (2003): Experimentelle Überprüfung der psycholinguistischen Relevanz von Konstituenten, Jahrbuch der Ungarischen Germanistik. [download] Mády, K. (2001): Kontrastive Phonetik Deutsch-Ungarisch in Hinblick auf zu erwartende Interferenzphänomene, Festschrift für György Hell. [download]
Last modified: 21.11.2011