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helyesírá – Online spelling consultation portal

Research Institute for Linguistics HAS
April 30th, 2013: the – online spelling consultation portal was opened to the public. The website was created to aid readers and writers of Hungarian by automatically answering specific questions related to common problems in Hungarian spelling and grammar usage. It consists of seven automated tools: Külön vagy egybe? (spelling of compounds), Helyes-e így? (spelling of individual words), Névkereső (spelling of proper names), Elválasztás (hyphenation), Számok (spelling of numerals), Dátumok (spelling of dates), Ábécébe rendezés (collation).

Our unique Külön vagy egybe? tool works by analyzing user input in order to suggest valid spellings for compounds and phrases like használtautó-kereskedés, macskatápszer, papagájkiállítás, nyersselyem ing. Unlike other spelling websites that rely only on dictionaries, the use of complex rules in our system enables the checking of a potentially infinite number of compound expressions. Besides suggesting different spellings, the tool also provides detailed explanations for each, which is very handy if the different forms correspond to different meanings, as in the case of sárgabarack.

The site also offers the complete, official reference guide to Hungarian spelling (A magyar helyesírás szabályai), and a collection of questions and answers (Archívum) collected by the telephone end email helpdesk service over the years.
Funding: own project
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