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European Media Monitor – Hungarian module

JRC, Research Institute for Linguistics HAS
The Hungarian modul of the JRC developed European Media Monitor has been prepared. The system continuosly gathers the news from Hugarian on-line sources, by a series of language technology tools and makes a summary of them.

EMM NewsExplorer – daily news summary automatically. The EMM NewsExplorer makes a daily summary of the news of the specified languages. If the same news appears on several languages the user can follow the news item on each language. In this way the different language variants of the same news cluster can be compared and seen from different viewpoints. The person names and names of organizations and geographical names occuring in the texts are collected.

EMM NewsBrief – top stories automatically. NewsBrief follows the most current daily news clusters. The clusters are classified thematically. A graphicon shows the frequency of the occurrence of the given cluster in the different sources by the hour. It helps to glance over the current events for the interested users.
Funding: CESAR project
HomeDepartmentsLangtech/AppliedLanguage Techn.Projects
HGDS2Finn-OTKATrendMinerSlovake.euSlovak-HungarianECOINNOContracted BrailleINNETMATRICAHGDShelyesírás.mta.huEFNILEX Media Monitor HUKILC