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![]() Starting Page > Departments > Department of Finno-Ugric and Historical Linguistics > Research Group for Historical Linguistics > Research Group for Hungarian Historical Linguistics > Adrienne Dömötör > Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Fields of research Historical syntax of Hungarian, syntax of contemporary Hungarian Grammaticalization Historical sociolinguistics Building historical corpora Hungarian language records
Places of work and positions held 2000– Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Science (senior research fellow)
1997–2000 Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Science (research fellow)
1996–1997 Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba, Hungary (part-time lecturer)
1990–1997 free lancing: teaching Hungarian as a second language
1988–1990 József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary (lecturer)
1986–1988 Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Science (research fellow)
1983–1986 Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Science (junior research fellow)
1982–1983 József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary (part-time lecturer)
Education and scientific degrees 1996 PhD, Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
1987 Dr. univ, Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
1983–1986 Postgraduate degree system, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
1977–1982 BA, MA: Hungarian Language and Literature, Russian Language and Literature (teaching degree), Hungarian Language History (specific qualification program), József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary
Fellowships 1997–2000 Postdoc fellowship, OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund): Attributive clauses in Middle Hungarian.
1983–1986 Doctoral fellowship, TMB (Scientific Grading Comittee, Hungarian Academy of Science): Grammatically marked quotations in the first decades of letter-press printing.
Other grants won 2018 Assistance for Publishing (Hungarian Academy of Science): Három körösztyén leány – az első magyar nyelvű dráma [The first Hungarian drama: ’Three Christian Maids’.] (Balassi Kiadó, Budapest).
2017 Author's Allowance (National Cultural Fund of Hungary): A Tihanyi alapítólevéltől a Káldi-Bibliáig [From the deed of foundation of Tihany Abbey to the Bible translation by György Káldi].
University teaching experience 1996–1997 Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba, Hungary: Introduction to linguistic studies
1988–1990 József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary: Introduction to linguistic studies; Reading and analyzing old Hungarian texts (historical phonology, morphology); Practice on syntax and text linguistics
1982–1983 József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary: Reading and analyzing old Hungarian texts (historical phonology, morphology)
Participation on scientific projects 2020– NKFIH-OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) FK 135186: Variation in Middle Hungarian: a register perspective
2015–2020 NKIFH-OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) K 116217: Competing structures in Middle Hungarian vernacular: a variationist approach (project leader)
2010–2014 OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) K 81189: Morphologically analysed corpus of Old and Middle Hungarian texts, representative of informal language use (project leader)
2005–2008 OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) T 48867: Middle Hungarian Syntax 2.
2002–2005 OTKA (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) T 031752: Middle Hungarian Syntax 1.
2000–2001 NKÖM (Ministery of National Cultural Heritage) Philological edition of ”Gyöngyösi Codex” (project leader)
Awards 2018 Appreciation for a Researcher by the Secretary-General of MTA
University years Tree times: first prize at conferences of National Scientific Students’ Associations (1981: Szeged, 1983: Budapest, in two sections)
Other professional activities Regular participation at conferences Giving talks yearly in Research Institute for Linguistics Publishing popular science works Writing peer reviews, participating in examination panels (PhD theses), evaluating project proposals 2005: Participation in the jury at National Scientific Students’ Associations 2004–2005: Scientific Secretary of the Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Science
Languages English German Russian
Last modified: 10.02.2021