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Events in January





Date & Time Venue Speaker Title

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12. January, 16.00 auditorium, ground-floor Paul Smolensky (Johns Hopkins University) Grammatical Theory with Gradient Symbol Structures Department of Theoretical Linguistics
14. January, 11.00 auditorium, ground-floor Geraldine Legendre (Johns Hopkins University) Blocking and anti-blocking effects at the lexicon/semantics interface: The case of French anticausatives Department of Theoretical Linguistics
19. January, 11.00 auditorium, ground-floor Susan Gal (University of Chicago) A nyelvi változás újabb mechanizmusai a szociolingvisztika szempontjából Department of Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics and Sociolinguistics, Research Center for Multilingualism
26. January, 11.00 auditorium, ground-floor Bakró-Nagy Marianne (MTA NYTI) Javítási stratégiák a manysi orosz jövevényszavaiban Department of Finno-Ugric and Historical Linguistics
28. January, 11.00 auditorium, ground-floor Kiefer Ferenc (MTA NYTI) Dieter Wunderlich a nyelvekről szóló munkájáról Department of Theoretical Linguistics
28. January, 17.00 room 108 Recski Gábor (MTA NYTI) 4lang: building concept graphs from English and Hungarian text Department of Theoretical Linguistics
Magyar Szemantikusok Asztaltársasága (MASZAT)







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